The true value of Seminars.

When I was 14 years old I had a stuttering issue.  I found it very difficult to communicate, especially in large groups.  The worst letters for me were W’s and R’s. I found this to be huge hurdle that was inhibiting my ability to make friends, enjoy social settings and enjoy the experience of being a teenager. It was around this time that I participated in my first seminar.  It was a 4 day seminar that ran for long hours.  During this seminar I learned about affirmations and the power of the mind.  After this seminar I decided that I had the power to control my mind and speech by repeating the affirmation, “I speak clearly and well”. Each time I found myself with in group of people and felt that I had something to contribute I repeated the words in my mind, “I speak clearly and well”.  I would then speak, and unfortunately much of the time my words would come out wrong. I would stutter and stammer and trip over the words. Often I was annoyed or frustrated at the inability I had to manage and control my tongue. Often I was frustrated with myself and would repeat…

Can we really retrain our unconscious responses?

Russian Psychologist Ivan Pavlov learned that Dogs salivate at the sight of food.  He retrained this automatic response to salivate, by ringing a bell immediately before feeding time.  This was repeated over and over again.  These dogs were trained that the sound of a bell meant that food was on its way.  In preparation for the food the dogs began to salivate.  Because they believed that food was on its way, over time the sound of the bell alone would cause the dogs to begin to salivate. What if you could train your autonomic nervous system?  The autonomic nervous system is broken up into two main parts.  The sympathetic nervous system that controls our fight/flight response?  And the parasympathetic nervous system that controls our appetite and sexual desire. These are automatic responses to stimuli. It is believed that self-control is lowered when we are sleep deprived or low amounts of glycogen in the body. When stimulus hits one of those 4 responses, we immediately have an automatic response. Anger (fight), Fear (flight), lust (sexual desire), hunger (gluttony). Think about antisocial behaviour and crime.  Is not all of crime attached to one of these primal functions? How then can we train our autonomic nervous system to…

Feel as though you are flat-lining?

Well it seems to me that when you change the way you use your body, life changes……for a time.  Anything new becomes old over time.  It really does not matter what it is.  Any big change to your life, once repeated about 1000 times becomes normal.  Wow who would have thought that jumping with excitement would become like breathing or riding a bike.  That it would become normal to be excited every day. How amazing is that?  looking back over the last 18 months of my life have been like a dream. Life has changed more dramatically than ever before. It really is such an inspiration to myself and others and as a result many new opportunities have presented themselves. It really is incredible that Contributing to the lives of so many other people, coupled with personal growth has really produced a high level of fulfilment. Much joy is the result of giving so much of myself to others.  Furthermore the consistency of focus on the things that matter most in life has also been incredible, and has assisted with the feelings of fulfilment. Now it is time to move to the next level, as each of us must continue to…

The unconscious mind is your protection and strength.
Breathing Life , Communication , Imagination , Love / January 10, 2017

Life can be emotionally challenging at times.  It can be hard to enjoy life when we feel like we have failed, or we feel like we let ourselves and others down.  One way to mitigate failure is to take fewer risks, or to take smaller risks.  One way to achieve this is by not trying.  Another way is to shrink and become insignificant. When you have failed at something that you did not put much effort into, the failure seems to be not so bad.  The failure is half expected.  Limited emotional investment, is the unconscious minds natural built in protection against negative emotions.  When things are not going well, we will find a way to protect ourselves from intense negative emotions.  After all, the build up of these intense negative emotions can lead to depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions.  Our unconscious mind knows this and wants to help is.  This is achieved by shutting down the feeling component of our nature. The issue with the is that by shutting down our emotions and eliminating these negative feelings, our positive feelings are also affected. One woman described her experience of life was like being a ‘zombi’.  She told…

Changing limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs.

Often when we are honest with ourselves, we realise that stories are a critical factor in life.  The stories that we tell ourselves affect our experience of life.  This experience can be positive or negative, based on the stories we choose to believe.  I say ‘choose to believe ‘  for a reason. It does matter what we believe. Our beliefs are foundational to the results that holding onto those beliefs produce in our lives.  The creation of our world is a construct based on our beliefs. Einstein said, “we are boxed in by the boundary conditions of our thinking”. For example, I believe that empowerment is the best way to live.  I believe that empowerment enables a person to take control of their life, and consciously and deliberately create the future they want.  This to me is critical, and therefore I spend time and energy planning my work, my relationships, and my physical body through self-development.  I also teach others how to take control of their unconscious expectations of the future, and reduce those things that they don’t want and increase those things that they do want.  I also believe that teaching is another form of learning, and so I teach for the…

How can I teach Millionaire mindset?
excited , Life , money , Purpose , responsibility , Uplifting , wealth / November 16, 2016

I was feeling as though I cannot teach wealth because I am not wealthy.  The truth is that I have never earned more than 100k in any financial year.  As I think about the wealthy people in Australia and America and in the rest of the world my income by comparison is very tiny.  To the Millionaire and Billionaire 100k is a small amount of money.  Some celebrities spend that amount on an article of clothing, a charity dinner or a vacation. I have therefore thought about the limited earning capacity that I have.  I have pondered the beliefs that I have about my value or worth.  I recall a seminar leader once stating, “You get paid exactly what you believe that you are worth”. According to this way of thinking I am worth 100k.  I do not believe that I am worth 200k or 300k or more.  If I did then I would be earning more money.  That to me sounds like a truth, and I know that as I change my belief about myself and my worth, my income will change accordingly. Here I have shared with you my limitations around earning capacity, success and money.  I therefore…

Priming – starting the day with excitement

Why do I prime? Firstly I have a believing heart, and I have been told in the past by one I would consider wise that certain actions produce certain results. That seems very evident and almost third grade. When I hear a statement like this from one who is wealthy, happy, content and fulfilled, then I will listen and then model what they themselves have done. I attended an event in September 2015 with Tony Robbins. The event was unbelievable for me. I used so much energy as I really wanted to get an extreme amount out of the event. Therefore my investment was tremendous. I really do not think I have ever invested so much effort and energy to one event ever in my life. Considering my diet, I amazed myself and others in the auditorium. Others appreciated the level of energy that I displayed. Prior to the event I read the words to the effect, “one can be excited for a day or a week, but to be excited for 20 years will give you the life of your dreams”. I read this quote and immediately thought to myself. “Impossible”. I thought about the emotions that I experienced…

Whatever you do, DON’T SMOKE.

Smoking in 2016 has got to be the most unrewarding experience that I can think of.  Take away the social aspect and what is left? I was working with a client who expressed her desires to quit smoking.  During the session I had her list and write down the benefits of smoking.  This she did and there were a couple of minor benefits that she could link to smoking.  However when we weighed these against the disadvantages of smoking a huge imbalance became evident. It took me only a few minutes to dissemble the benefits of smoking, and to show her how to fill the same needs in a positive healthy way. All that remained was a long list of disadvantages.  She was ready to make the changes and for the re-patterning process to be installed directly into her unconscious mind. An interesting concept that I taught was that in order to take control of this addiction, she needed to choose to either shrink the addiction or alternately grow bigger, or outgrow the addiction. As I considered these two approaches and thought about their implications, my mind was drawn to two different schools of thought.  The first is the concept…

Are you being pulled in two directions?

I attended a meeting on leadership principles.  In this meeting I was asked to come up to the front of the room with 2 other people.  While at the front of the room two of us were asked to grab the arms of the third person, one on one side and the second on the other.  I obediently grabbed onto the left arm of this man.  We were then asked to pull which we did.  I may have been a little overzealous and I pulled hard, causing both men to lose balance.  It is not as if my goal was to dislodge the arm from the shoulder socket, and yet when I play, I play to win. Pointing to the man in the middle the speaker made this point.  He stated that the man the middle represented each of us as we are being constantly pulled in two different directions.  He stated that we need to resist and remain on track and focused, and have a constant battle within ourselves in order to make good choices. Obviously he was talking about the conflict that exists between the conscious mind and the unconscious man.  In religion it is referred to as…

Healing can be as easy as counting when you understand how.

A woman  described the pain in her knee as 8 out of 10. Huge amounts of pain in her knee. I showed her how to eliminate all the pain in about 10 minutes. Both her knees were pain free. I received a text message this morning telling me that the pain is gone, and that I am a miracle worker. Today I spoke to a women with pain filled shins. She described the pain as level 5 as she walked. The pain was gone after we did the mental exercise. All it too was about 10 minutes. Headaches, back aches, cramps and pains all disappear so easily that it’s almost a joke. My hip was sore the other day. It was so sore I could not touch my toes without bending my knees. The pain and discomfort as in my right hip. I used the technique on myself and it took me three goes. I’m a little slower than others. I have more of a skeptical mind then some. So I really need to concentrate to have the technique work perfectly. I used it a little while ago when I was experiencing pain in my tooth. I learned something very…