4 ways that gratitude leads to a fulfilling life.

If you want to be great, be grateful.  The world is full of highly successful people, who have accumulated a lot of money, a lot of property, a lot of material possessions and a lot of knowledge.  You do not have to travel far to discover that some of these people, though wealthy, are not happy in their core.  They are not living a life of fulfillment.  The same rings true for the poor and destitute.  Some have very meager means and yet radiate happiness and fulfillment, yet others are weighed down by the troubles of life.   Fulfillment really has little to do with prosperity. It has everything to do with how grateful we are, and there are some very basic and logical reasons for this. For some Happiness does indeed come from money.  This is only up to a point.  Once our needs and some of our wants have been met there is no more happiness to be found in money.  Therefore we must look to find happiness in some other way. As we consider the contrast between the fulfilled, and unfulfilled, let us consider the 4 ways that gratitude leads to a fulfilling life. For the past year…

Miracles are a product of belief and action.

Why don’t we see more miracles in our world?  The answer is clear, “it is because of disbelief”.  Miracles only occur as a result of strong belief. Christianity teaches that with faith “all things are possible”. Faith is not just a passive belief, it is a principle of action. On Sunday a woman whom I know was having car issues and needed to get home.  I am not a mechanic and yet offered to help.  Others came to give aid also.  After about half an hour and numerous attempts to start the car, it still would not start.  Her husband was at work and she had four young children with her and needed to get them home.  It was suggested that we leave the car and give her a ride home, knowing they could return with a mechanic at a future time.  Another suggestion was to pray that the car would work so she could get home. The though in my mind was that we had been trying to start the car without success for half an hour.  The next though was “how could prayer help?”  I caught myself in this thought and then decided “we need the faith of…

Priming – starting the day with excitement

Why do I prime? Firstly I have a believing heart, and I have been told in the past by one I would consider wise that certain actions produce certain results. That seems very evident and almost third grade. When I hear a statement like this from one who is wealthy, happy, content and fulfilled, then I will listen and then model what they themselves have done. I attended an event in September 2015 with Tony Robbins. The event was unbelievable for me. I used so much energy as I really wanted to get an extreme amount out of the event. Therefore my investment was tremendous. I really do not think I have ever invested so much effort and energy to one event ever in my life. Considering my diet, I amazed myself and others in the auditorium. Others appreciated the level of energy that I displayed. Prior to the event I read the words to the effect, “one can be excited for a day or a week, but to be excited for 20 years will give you the life of your dreams”. I read this quote and immediately thought to myself. “Impossible”. I thought about the emotions that I experienced…

Healing can be as easy as counting when you understand how.

A woman  described the pain in her knee as 8 out of 10. Huge amounts of pain in her knee. I showed her how to eliminate all the pain in about 10 minutes. Both her knees were pain free. I received a text message this morning telling me that the pain is gone, and that I am a miracle worker. Today I spoke to a women with pain filled shins. She described the pain as level 5 as she walked. The pain was gone after we did the mental exercise. All it too was about 10 minutes. Headaches, back aches, cramps and pains all disappear so easily that it’s almost a joke. My hip was sore the other day. It was so sore I could not touch my toes without bending my knees. The pain and discomfort as in my right hip. I used the technique on myself and it took me three goes. I’m a little slower than others. I have more of a skeptical mind then some. So I really need to concentrate to have the technique work perfectly. I used it a little while ago when I was experiencing pain in my tooth. I learned something very…

Emotional Congruency

I attended a meeting on leadership principles.  In this meeting I was asked to come up to the front of the room with 2 other people.  While at the front of the room two of us were asked to grab the arms of the third person, one on one side and the second on the other.  I obediently grabbed onto the left arm of this man.  We were then asked to pull which we did.   Pointing to the man in the middle the speaker made this point.  He stated that we all represented the man the middle being pulled in two different directions.  He stated that we need to resist and remain on track and focussed, and have a constant battle within ourselves in order to make good choices.   Obviously he was talking about the conflict that exists between the conscious mind and the unconscious man.  In religion it is referred to as the conflict between good and evil.  The conflict between God and the devil.  The conflict between light and darkness.  The natural man and the spiritual man.   What if we reached a point in our minds and hearts in which there was no internal conflict? …

Saying dumb stuff

I spoke with a man who stated that he continually makes jokes about other people in front of them that are inappropriate. These jokes are far from malicious as he is a wonderful man and really cares for others, however he described that there is a switch in his mind that is activated when he makes an attempt to draw people close to him. What ends up happening instead is that he can offend and hurt others feelings, thereby causing distance in his interpersonal relationships. These actions are born of insecurity. Rather than silence he feels the need to speak to fill that silence. As I was listening to him describe this situation I recognised a need to be accepted, loved and connection with other people. Offending people in this way is antisocial. While innocent in his intent, the fact remains that this need for love and connection is driving him to speak and act in adverse ways, and this is producing the opposite effect in his world. Once trust is broken and offence received he has to work twice as hard to reestablish this connection with others. I wanted to help and decided that a swish pattern could be…

The Ripple effect.

I invited a good friend to be part of my morning routine.  During part of this routine we engage in affirmations with movement.  As this friend began to speak he moved his body in powerful ways and asked that his Maker would use him in powerful ways.  He concluded with the words, “I will be your ripple effect”. Whatever you are. Whatever you do. Whatever you say, people are watching. I recall Steven covey the author and leadership expert once said, “Who you are speaks so loudly it does not matter what you say”. Others get a sense for who we are and what we are, even before we open our mouth. When we do speak, our words are confirmed by what we do and how we act. What we say is secondary. Inconsistency between words and action will let others know we cannot be trusted and are not reliable. While human beings fall short of perfection, there is no excuse for not striving to improve the current situation. There is no excuse for not even striving to increase your capacity to love, forgive, overcome and move forward with hope. There is no excuse pretending you are doing well whilst sitting stagnant….

The Love of my Daughter!

My daughter was visiting and we had many special and wonderful experiences together. On the camping trip we played cards together and I laughed so hard that it hurt. The enjoyment of that time will forever live as a highlight in my mind. During the holidays, she had injured herself and I took her to the hospital and stayed for several hours with her while the doctors treated her. We learned that she tore a muscle in her upper thigh. She was in tremendous pain and was given an injection for the pain, yet there was little else that could be done. There was also a time where my daughter invited the family together so that she could share with us her feelings and dreams for herself and for each of us. That was an amazing experience and there was a richness of love and joy created. Every single person spoke and we listened to each individual person for about an hour. Another special time was where my daughter and I sat and spoke for a couple of hours. During the conversation we really connected on a deep level. We spoke about life and choices. We spoke of joy and love. We spoke of the future and the past. It was…

Strengthening Marriage

Some time ago my wife and I attended a relationship “strengthening marriage” seminar. After completing the course we explained to a family friend that we did this course. The response was very interesting. This person said, “oh, I did not know that you were having marriage difficulties”. This was an interesting response. When I replied that we were not having problems, the person looked perplexed. The prevalence of this perception is really concerning. The mechanical world understands the need for tune ups and prevention checks. Car services are not only done to change oil, but to check brake pads, lights, tyres, and other moving parts.  Very few cars break down on the highway when regular car services are performed. So why did my wife and I participate in the “strengthening marriage course”. Well this is not the first course we have done together and it will not be the last.  While at the “strengthening marriage course”, the facilitator asked what activities you can do together as a couple. Other couples gave standard answers like hold hands.  Sit together and talk. Go out to dinner.  Go to the movies. I then explained to the other couples that my wife and I…

How much will you invest?

When most people hear the term investing, they immediately think of money. They may think of investing in real estate or shares, or in other ventures. I would like us to consider investing in another way. I have been asked to MC several weddings and functions and each time I have fully invested of myself. On one occasion I was asked to help run a live auction. This was a very new prospect, as I had never run a live auction. I therefore took it upon myself to prepare for this auction. I really wanted to do a great job and provide entertainment, laughter and be competent and proficient at running this auction. I could have attended and hoped for the best, however I am someone who has learned over the years that preparation precedes performance. Therefore I prepared myself by using YouTube to see several examples of live auctions. I had my iPad in the bathroom and spent about an hour just watching and learning from other auctioneer’s. I then began practicing the skills. Rolling my tongue, rapid clear speech, rhythm and tempo of the calls. Practicing the numbers forward and backwards. I also did a number of voice…