Children and Family – how can I do it all.

I heard a magnificent talk that really caused me to reflect on my own family. It caused me to consider just how important, deserving and wonderful my own children are.  Often my career aspirations, goals, ambition, and other interests demand my attention and focus.  At the same time I know that my immediate family relationships, my wife and children should be central in our lives, and must receive attention and focus.   The reason I say this is that money will come and go. Often work colleagues come and go. Success in work, or ability to make lots of money will satisfy in the short term, yet I know that long term fulfilment is best when there is someone to share it with. My goal is to have a fantastic and rewarding career, to have a strong and healthy body, and to have an empowering mission and purpose in life, whilst maintaining a strong and happy home.  I do not want to achieve success in career, to the detriment of my family.  One wise man said, “No success in life can compensate for failure in the home”.   Climbing the corporate ladder, and spending more time at work, and even…

Reducing the divorce rate.

I have been thinking recently of something I once heard from a religious leader by the name of Gordon Hinkley say. I’ve tried to look up this quote on the internet, yet have been unable to find it. My memory is excellent and it was such a bold statement that I committed it to memory straight away. The comment is this, “if every man and every woman would do everything they could to look after the needs of his or her companion, there would be very little, if any divorce”. I have thought about this quote a great deal over the past several months. Since the establishment of AccessWorldSeminars my focus has not been on my relationship as my number 1 priority. I certainly have not been doing all I could to ensure that the needs of my wife are being met. The first thing I needed to do, was uncover the needs of Rebecca my wife. I began to studying the needs of a woman, and the needs of a man. As I studied I found conflicting opinions, yet I soon discovered some needs that actually work in almost all situations, and with almost all women. These are fundamental…

The unconscious mind is your protection and strength.
Breathing Life , Communication , Imagination , Love / January 10, 2017

Life can be emotionally challenging at times.  It can be hard to enjoy life when we feel like we have failed, or we feel like we let ourselves and others down.  One way to mitigate failure is to take fewer risks, or to take smaller risks.  One way to achieve this is by not trying.  Another way is to shrink and become insignificant. When you have failed at something that you did not put much effort into, the failure seems to be not so bad.  The failure is half expected.  Limited emotional investment, is the unconscious minds natural built in protection against negative emotions.  When things are not going well, we will find a way to protect ourselves from intense negative emotions.  After all, the build up of these intense negative emotions can lead to depression, anxiety and other mental health conditions.  Our unconscious mind knows this and wants to help is.  This is achieved by shutting down the feeling component of our nature. The issue with the is that by shutting down our emotions and eliminating these negative feelings, our positive feelings are also affected. One woman described her experience of life was like being a ‘zombi’.  She told…

Change your story. We are all story tellers in life.

You may not realise this but you are a storyteller. We all are. With ever action you take, with every word you speak and even your very presence tells a story. This story is being written every minute of every day. Just like almost every book, there is a main character. That main character is you. You have a past, a present and a future. There past is already written, and yet the past may not actually be an accurate rendition of events and situation because those events are filtered through perceptual filters, false associations and limited understanding. In other words we make meaning of events and situations that may be more imagined than real. Please understand that the events are real, yet our memory and interpretation of these events may be grossly inaccurate.  These filters can effect our perception of reality of a situation so profoundly, that the memory may be completely inaccurate and even unrecognisable.  To really understand this try reading both sides of domestic violence dispute, or getting versions at at traffic accident, or listen to someone tell a story about a situation that you were there for. It is always fun hearing someone tell a story…

Everything you need to Know about AccessWorldSeminars and Joshua Roy.

AccessWorld Seminars.   About the Company.   AccessWorld Seminars was established in September 2015.   The purpose of AccessWorld Seminars is to create an organisation that promotes EMPOWERMENT.  AccessWorld Seminars was created as a vehicle to assist people to break away from the trance that many find themselves stuck in.  This trance is the trance of DISEMPOWERMENT. AccessWorld Seminars utilises many teaching and training programs to accomplish this end.  These programs consist of seminars, workshops, life coaching and re-patterning sessions.   Seminars provide a ‘saturation environment’ in which transformation is the focus.  There is something magical that happens when a group of people learn and grow together.  Seminars are designed to build your belief, stretch your thinking, have you experience strong positive emotions and gain emotional mastery.  When in a peak emotional state, your decision making ability is enhanced, as is confidence and self-belief.  You will experience total empowerment and the ability to take full control of your life.   Workshops are designed to teach you to use the tools and skills of coaching and Neurological Re-patterning.  They are designed to give you practical experience in a safe learning environment, so that you can create change in your own life…

Priming – starting the day with excitement

Why do I prime? Firstly I have a believing heart, and I have been told in the past by one I would consider wise that certain actions produce certain results. That seems very evident and almost third grade. When I hear a statement like this from one who is wealthy, happy, content and fulfilled, then I will listen and then model what they themselves have done. I attended an event in September 2015 with Tony Robbins. The event was unbelievable for me. I used so much energy as I really wanted to get an extreme amount out of the event. Therefore my investment was tremendous. I really do not think I have ever invested so much effort and energy to one event ever in my life. Considering my diet, I amazed myself and others in the auditorium. Others appreciated the level of energy that I displayed. Prior to the event I read the words to the effect, “one can be excited for a day or a week, but to be excited for 20 years will give you the life of your dreams”. I read this quote and immediately thought to myself. “Impossible”. I thought about the emotions that I experienced…

Spreading Myself too thin.

Seminars, workshops, life coaching and re-patterning sessions.  Am I spreading myself too thin?  Well, the truth is that I am here, there and all over the place.  I have run a couple of seminars, on things that I have been studying for 5 years. Then I go and begin to teach about money like I’m an expert, or as if I actually know something about it. A topic that I have limited understanding about. A topic that I do not have experience in.  Some of these topics are foreign to me, and they are ideas and concepts that I myself cannot endorse through personal experience and knowledge. There is something wrong here. What I learned today was that there is a mammoth difference between teaching principles that I don’t believe, and teaching principles that I do.  The not knowing or the lack of experience could not fully support the principles that I was teaching.  In some ways I felt that my unconscious mind was working against me in the teaching of the principles. There was an in-authenticity about the teaching.  Its the old principle that in order to teach it, you must know it.  Not just know about it, but…

Love Languages and relationship adjustment

Many books have been written on love.  The famous family therapist Virginia Satir spoke about love for self and being authentic in our communication with others.  She taught that love was a powerful healing element that could reshape individuals and families. Her main focus was to empower individuals and families to take full responsibility for all that they saw, heard and felt. As she empowered people to embrace their authentic self, this assisted her clients to create change. She produced results that appeared to others to be miracles, and it also appeared that she was responsible for creating change in others.  This is not entirely accurate because she did not really do anything other than create an environment whereby others could understand that their perceptions of reality was not reality.  She would explain that the constructs of imagination, and our thoughts either empower or dis-empower. Other authors have likewise had much to write on the subject to love. Many books today speak about the 5 languages.  The premise of understanding love languages, is to assist those in relationships to identify the dominant love languages of ourselves and others. I have heard people erroneously declare that this or that person, “does…

The “pulls” and “tugs” of life. Remember the most important thing!

Has there been a period in your life in which you were ‘burning the candle at both ends’.  Goals, dreams, ambition constantly require effort and energy to constantly produce outstanding results.  I have just returned from a well needed holiday at the Gold Coast. It was wonderful to be with the family and enjoy quality time with them.  There are so many ‘pulls’ and ‘tugs’ in the world, that often we need to re-evaluate where we are heading and what we are creating.  Love, marriage and relationships are pulling us in one direction, while career aspirations are tugging us in another direction.  We invest time toward being physically fit and healthy, while feeling the need to contribute and provide service to those in need.   I once attended the medieval festival where a jester was balancing on a small plank, that was balancing on red ball.  He then began to juggle.  As I think about this scene, I believe that this is a great analogy for life, and the many pressures and competing forces that demand our attention.  Having a family holiday was fantastic, and it reminded me how critical it is to ensure that the family, the fundamental unit of…

Healing can be as easy as counting when you understand how.

A woman  described the pain in her knee as 8 out of 10. Huge amounts of pain in her knee. I showed her how to eliminate all the pain in about 10 minutes. Both her knees were pain free. I received a text message this morning telling me that the pain is gone, and that I am a miracle worker. Today I spoke to a women with pain filled shins. She described the pain as level 5 as she walked. The pain was gone after we did the mental exercise. All it too was about 10 minutes. Headaches, back aches, cramps and pains all disappear so easily that it’s almost a joke. My hip was sore the other day. It was so sore I could not touch my toes without bending my knees. The pain and discomfort as in my right hip. I used the technique on myself and it took me three goes. I’m a little slower than others. I have more of a skeptical mind then some. So I really need to concentrate to have the technique work perfectly. I used it a little while ago when I was experiencing pain in my tooth. I learned something very…