The belief continuum.
Breathing Life , Confidence , health , Influence , Life , success , value / April 29, 2017

I had a friend visit come to me on Sunday and tell me he had a headache.  He told me that it had been with him all day and that he could not seem to shake it. I was happy to help.  We used 3 techniques and the headache was completely gone. As I have thought about this experience I have come up with 4 steps that ensure that you will eliminate pain from your body. 1/ First he came and asked for help. 2/ He believed that the process would work. 3/ He did the process in a positive way. 4/ The first technique did not fully resolve the issue, so I had him continue to work and utilised a 2nd and a 3rd technique. What do we learn?  1.  Ask for help.  If you want to get past something, you may not have the tools and beliefs to overcome it on your own.  Often we can lean on someone who has a different level of knowledge and experience.  This requires humility and a realisation that we do not know it all.  Sometimes this will also cost us time, money, effort and energy.  It may cost us our pride and ego. 2.  Believe…

The positive effects of a good Morning Routines.

How do the rich, highly motivated and successful start their day? Tony Robbins starts his day with a routine that includes visualisation, a prayer of gratitude, and breathing exercises. Tim Ferris has a morning routine, and so do thousands of really successful people worldwide. Joe Dispenza has a 2 hour meditation routine. Wim Hof does breathing techniques and cold exposure as his morning routine. How about you?  How do you begin your day? Having done a 2 hour morning routine for more than 18 months, I have created an effective way of creating success in my own life.  This one routine has been responsible for keeping the transformation I had at the Tony Robbins seminar in 2015 going.  Is it hard to consistently do a morning routine?  How does one create an effective routine that puts one into a winning mindset, and also does the following. – promotes great health. – stretches yourself emotionally. – Gives purpose and creates meaning for life. – puts you into a winning mindset. Please join with me at my workshops and seminars, or look into some private coaching sessions so that we can discuss these key issues, and make plans and goals around implementing a more empowering way…

Feel as though you are flat-lining?

Well it seems to me that when you change the way you use your body, life changes……for a time.  Anything new becomes old over time.  It really does not matter what it is.  Any big change to your life, once repeated about 1000 times becomes normal.  Wow who would have thought that jumping with excitement would become like breathing or riding a bike.  That it would become normal to be excited every day. How amazing is that?  looking back over the last 18 months of my life have been like a dream. Life has changed more dramatically than ever before. It really is such an inspiration to myself and others and as a result many new opportunities have presented themselves. It really is incredible that Contributing to the lives of so many other people, coupled with personal growth has really produced a high level of fulfilment. Much joy is the result of giving so much of myself to others.  Furthermore the consistency of focus on the things that matter most in life has also been incredible, and has assisted with the feelings of fulfilment. Now it is time to move to the next level, as each of us must continue to…

What if?

Today I thought about attending Tony Robbins seminar next month (Date with Destiny May 21-26, Gold Coast 2017) and considered that I was given the floor for a period of time.  I imagined myself in front of a thousand people teaching and instructing with a confidence and energy that I have never before exhibited.  It was an exhilarating thought and one that got me excited. I began to do my power move and get the adrenaline pumping through my body.  This brought into my mind and body a rush of ecstasy. I do this daily.  I jump, do my power move and get excited every day at least twice. This has created for me such exhilaration any time I need it. I then needed to help my son who was sick with a sore throat. He is better now.

Be sure your ladder of success is against the right wall.
Confidence , Example , honesty , Influence , Life , Life Choices , money , Purpose , success , value / February 19, 2017

I recently read a quote from Albert Einstein that said, “Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value”.  As I have considered this thought I comprehended that success does not come by focusing on success.  Many people believe that income or wealth is the predominant measure of success.  It is true that financial mastery is a measure of success, however there are many who are successful, or feel successful regardless of their level of wealth.  After all, financial well-being is only one aspect of life.  Therefore if one is successful in their finances, it is folly to automatically assume that this person is successful. Success in one’s career, does not translate to success in life.  I have learned that money, relationships, health and purpose all play a role, and collectively contribute to happiness and success.  If a wealthy person is unhappy the reason may be that they had leaned their ladder of success against the wrong wall.  The rich suffer from anxiety, just like middle class and the poor.  The rich suffer from depression, just like the middle class and the poor.  This is because happiness is based on values, and if you focus on…

Money and honesty.
Breathing Life , honesty , Influence , Life , Life Choices / January 10, 2017

I have been contemplating a course of behaviour that is not sitting well with me. I can pretend the situation does not exist and yet In The final analysis it is a real situation and it does exist.  Insurance fraud is a concern in our country and making false claims is against the law.  On the other side of the argument is the practices that exists with insurance companies, and their assessment processes.  As I converse with others it is evident that having a claim make it all the way through the claims process can be a nightmare. There is often technical differences from the insurance company itself.  For example one man stated that he took out insurance on a new car and paid this extra cost for peace of mind.   Within 3 months some major things happened that led to a fault within the engine of the car.  He then contacted his insurance and they refused to help.  He expressed to me that insurance gave him false peace of mind, and yet he has discovered now that the insurance he took out had no value for that situation.  He expressed to me that he is currently going through…

Change your story. We are all story tellers in life.

You may not realise this but you are a storyteller. We all are. With ever action you take, with every word you speak and even your very presence tells a story. This story is being written every minute of every day. Just like almost every book, there is a main character. That main character is you. You have a past, a present and a future. There past is already written, and yet the past may not actually be an accurate rendition of events and situation because those events are filtered through perceptual filters, false associations and limited understanding. In other words we make meaning of events and situations that may be more imagined than real. Please understand that the events are real, yet our memory and interpretation of these events may be grossly inaccurate.  These filters can effect our perception of reality of a situation so profoundly, that the memory may be completely inaccurate and even unrecognisable.  To really understand this try reading both sides of domestic violence dispute, or getting versions at at traffic accident, or listen to someone tell a story about a situation that you were there for. It is always fun hearing someone tell a story…

Changing limiting beliefs into empowering beliefs.

Often when we are honest with ourselves, we realise that stories are a critical factor in life.  The stories that we tell ourselves affect our experience of life.  This experience can be positive or negative, based on the stories we choose to believe.  I say ‘choose to believe ‘  for a reason. It does matter what we believe. Our beliefs are foundational to the results that holding onto those beliefs produce in our lives.  The creation of our world is a construct based on our beliefs. Einstein said, “we are boxed in by the boundary conditions of our thinking”. For example, I believe that empowerment is the best way to live.  I believe that empowerment enables a person to take control of their life, and consciously and deliberately create the future they want.  This to me is critical, and therefore I spend time and energy planning my work, my relationships, and my physical body through self-development.  I also teach others how to take control of their unconscious expectations of the future, and reduce those things that they don’t want and increase those things that they do want.  I also believe that teaching is another form of learning, and so I teach for the…

Everything you need to Know about AccessWorldSeminars and Joshua Roy.

AccessWorld Seminars.   About the Company.   AccessWorld Seminars was established in September 2015.   The purpose of AccessWorld Seminars is to create an organisation that promotes EMPOWERMENT.  AccessWorld Seminars was created as a vehicle to assist people to break away from the trance that many find themselves stuck in.  This trance is the trance of DISEMPOWERMENT. AccessWorld Seminars utilises many teaching and training programs to accomplish this end.  These programs consist of seminars, workshops, life coaching and re-patterning sessions.   Seminars provide a ‘saturation environment’ in which transformation is the focus.  There is something magical that happens when a group of people learn and grow together.  Seminars are designed to build your belief, stretch your thinking, have you experience strong positive emotions and gain emotional mastery.  When in a peak emotional state, your decision making ability is enhanced, as is confidence and self-belief.  You will experience total empowerment and the ability to take full control of your life.   Workshops are designed to teach you to use the tools and skills of coaching and Neurological Re-patterning.  They are designed to give you practical experience in a safe learning environment, so that you can create change in your own life…

Being grateful for hardships and challenges.

I wrote an article several months ago about gratitude.  A lot has changed in my world since this time and therefore as I prepare for my Gratitude workshop, I felt it appropriate to talk about gratitude as someone who has focused consistently on this principle now for over 12 months. The commitment that I made was to say a prayer of gratitude every morning.  When I first began this practice I was only giving gratitude for the good things in my life.  I was only grateful for my blessing.  I was only grateful for the people who love and support me.  I was only grateful for my positive emotions, for my success in financial pursuits, and the health and vitality that I enjoyed. Then something happened.  I was running with my dog and a thought come into my mind and a spiritual feeling entered my body.  The thought was “One that has a gratitude heart, will enjoy the journey, not just the end result”.  What changed at this time was that I had been thinking about the hardships of life.  I was thinking about the rejection that I had experienced.  I was thinking about the things in my life that…