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Uplifting / March 25, 2019

Wheat has changed over the years.  Dr William Davis wrote a book called Wheat belly. In his book he describes how back in ancient times wheat is not the same as the wheat of today.   Back in ancient times they had buckwheat and emmer. In the 1960’s with population explosions around the world, wheat also known as the “Staff of life” was genetically altered and modified.  Wheat in the past grew to a height as tall as a man.  Through research and experimentation, they were able to find a solution to feeding the masses. The new genetically modified wheat only grows waist high and is very high yield, which is enticing for farmers when it comes to profit.  The challenge is that this new wheat has several issues. These include the fact that it is a harsh substance and difficult for the body to digest and break down.  It also contains chemicals that act as opiates, causing one to develop cravings similar to an addict on heroin. The thing that I want to focus on is the GI – glycaemic index of wheat.  To give you a point of reference, everything over 55 is high.  Everything below 55 is…

Sugar! It all natural right?
Breathing Life , Sugar / March 19, 2019

Sugar is a real killer. The supermarkets and food producers will all say that sugar is natural. For example, sugar occurs naturally in fruit. Therefore, when you see “all natural”, sign or symbol or written on food box, you will think that they are telling you the truth. Is sugar natural. Sugar as we know it comes from sugar cane. It is extracted and processed and refined and then put into other foods. The challenge is this. Sugar taken in its natural form as it exists in nature, eaten with the natural fibre of the sugar cane, is not harmful. The fibre of the sugar cane causes a slow release of the sugar into the blood stream and the system. Alternately the extracted sugar goes into the system very fast because it is taken without the natural fibre. Also, the high GI level of sugar, scoring 59 on the GI charts, causes the blood sugar levels to skyrocket. When sugar is taken in large amount, like dinking a can of soft drink, the body goes into hyperglycemia. So then to combat this emergency, the pancreas releases insulin. Due to the dire emergency, too much insulin is released, and the sugar…

Excitement and Memory
Uplifting / March 17, 2019

There are a number of reasons that we use excitement in the seminar.  The main reason is because excitement is an early learning state.  When we are excited, a biochemical shift happens in our brain and we feel good.  When we feel good learning is enhanced.  Accelerated learning will lead to progress, and progress leads to happiness. If none of this works, at lease you have a good time. Children learn at an accelerated rate. Children learn very fast.  Scientists postulate that between the ages of one to seven, a child’s brain is like a sponge, soaking up information.  The brain is firing to such a degree that children in bilingual neighbourhoods can learn 2 or 3 languages effortlessly.  All they did was play with their friends and would unconsciously just pick up the language. When we enter a child like state, use our imagination, or use regression techniques we can accelerate the speed of our learning, causing neural plasticity, and this can alter the shape of our brain, and the intelligence of the person. It is not the number of brain-cells that make a person more or less intelligent.  Rather it is the number of connections they have between…

Remember your memory
Uplifting / March 17, 2019

Many years ago I attended an introduction seminar in Tamworth NSW.  A woman was at the front of the room while the audience suggested 20 random items for her to memorise.  I was amazed at her skill and ability as in a matter of minutes she learned and repeated back all 20 items.  Even more impressive was the fact that she had learned every item independently of any other item.  What I mean by this is that she could immediately recall item 7 or item 18.  Finally, the audience was asked to shout out numbers and she could immediately recall the attached number.  I was so impressed that I wondered if I could learn this skill. Have used memory skills and techniques ever since.   Remember – the most important word in the dictionary.   On another occasion was speaking to a man who told me a lot of his personal history.  I went deeply into his world, and we had a deep level of rapport.  My goal was to understand and appreciate his world.  He told me that he was with his girlfriend and life was perfect.  He had a job, a house, and a great life.  (I knew…