Sugar! It all natural right?
Breathing Life , Sugar / March 19, 2019

Sugar is a real killer. The supermarkets and food producers will all say that sugar is natural. For example, sugar occurs naturally in fruit. Therefore, when you see “all natural”, sign or symbol or written on food box, you will think that they are telling you the truth. Is sugar natural. Sugar as we know it comes from sugar cane. It is extracted and processed and refined and then put into other foods. The challenge is this. Sugar taken in its natural form as it exists in nature, eaten with the natural fibre of the sugar cane, is not harmful. The fibre of the sugar cane causes a slow release of the sugar into the blood stream and the system. Alternately the extracted sugar goes into the system very fast because it is taken without the natural fibre. Also, the high GI level of sugar, scoring 59 on the GI charts, causes the blood sugar levels to skyrocket. When sugar is taken in large amount, like dinking a can of soft drink, the body goes into hyperglycemia. So then to combat this emergency, the pancreas releases insulin. Due to the dire emergency, too much insulin is released, and the sugar…

Just get out there and do it!

In 2015 I decided to create the project that I call Access World Seminars.  I had no Idea what to do or how to get started. Have you ever had a desire or passion to create something great, yet were unsure how to get started? There was several things that I wanted to do such as teach seminars, run workshops and provide life coaching. The challenge was that full time employment meant financial safety and I was not willing to leave my day job due to my financial commitments.  I wanted to ensure that I did things intelligently, and not in a way that could potentially lead to financial ruin. Furthermore my full time employment was fantastic, and I wasn’t ready and really did not want to leave. Part of me wanted to take the proverbial leap of faith, yet after discussions with my wife I decided to do a transition slowly and intelligently.  If I began a business, I would need to work that business, and yet I had minimal business experience.  I certainly had the confidence to succeed, and yet realised that I also needed the competence, and developing business competence would take time. Together we discussed a 5 year plan….

The true value of Seminars.

When I was 14 years old I had a stuttering issue.  I found it very difficult to communicate, especially in large groups.  The worst letters for me were W’s and R’s. I found this to be huge hurdle that was inhibiting my ability to make friends, enjoy social settings and enjoy the experience of being a teenager. It was around this time that I participated in my first seminar.  It was a 4 day seminar that ran for long hours.  During this seminar I learned about affirmations and the power of the mind.  After this seminar I decided that I had the power to control my mind and speech by repeating the affirmation, “I speak clearly and well”. Each time I found myself with in group of people and felt that I had something to contribute I repeated the words in my mind, “I speak clearly and well”.  I would then speak, and unfortunately much of the time my words would come out wrong. I would stutter and stammer and trip over the words. Often I was annoyed or frustrated at the inability I had to manage and control my tongue. Often I was frustrated with myself and would repeat…

Can we really retrain our unconscious responses?

Russian Psychologist Ivan Pavlov learned that Dogs salivate at the sight of food.  He retrained this automatic response to salivate, by ringing a bell immediately before feeding time.  This was repeated over and over again.  These dogs were trained that the sound of a bell meant that food was on its way.  In preparation for the food the dogs began to salivate.  Because they believed that food was on its way, over time the sound of the bell alone would cause the dogs to begin to salivate. What if you could train your autonomic nervous system?  The autonomic nervous system is broken up into two main parts.  The sympathetic nervous system that controls our fight/flight response?  And the parasympathetic nervous system that controls our appetite and sexual desire. These are automatic responses to stimuli. It is believed that self-control is lowered when we are sleep deprived or low amounts of glycogen in the body. When stimulus hits one of those 4 responses, we immediately have an automatic response. Anger (fight), Fear (flight), lust (sexual desire), hunger (gluttony). Think about antisocial behaviour and crime.  Is not all of crime attached to one of these primal functions? How then can we train our autonomic nervous system to…

The belief continuum.
Breathing Life , Confidence , health , Influence , Life , success , value / April 29, 2017

I had a friend visit come to me on Sunday and tell me he had a headache.  He told me that it had been with him all day and that he could not seem to shake it. I was happy to help.  We used 3 techniques and the headache was completely gone. As I have thought about this experience I have come up with 4 steps that ensure that you will eliminate pain from your body. 1/ First he came and asked for help. 2/ He believed that the process would work. 3/ He did the process in a positive way. 4/ The first technique did not fully resolve the issue, so I had him continue to work and utilised a 2nd and a 3rd technique. What do we learn?  1.  Ask for help.  If you want to get past something, you may not have the tools and beliefs to overcome it on your own.  Often we can lean on someone who has a different level of knowledge and experience.  This requires humility and a realisation that we do not know it all.  Sometimes this will also cost us time, money, effort and energy.  It may cost us our pride and ego. 2.  Believe…

The positive effects of a good Morning Routines.

How do the rich, highly motivated and successful start their day? Tony Robbins starts his day with a routine that includes visualisation, a prayer of gratitude, and breathing exercises. Tim Ferris has a morning routine, and so do thousands of really successful people worldwide. Joe Dispenza has a 2 hour meditation routine. Wim Hof does breathing techniques and cold exposure as his morning routine. How about you?  How do you begin your day? Having done a 2 hour morning routine for more than 18 months, I have created an effective way of creating success in my own life.  This one routine has been responsible for keeping the transformation I had at the Tony Robbins seminar in 2015 going.  Is it hard to consistently do a morning routine?  How does one create an effective routine that puts one into a winning mindset, and also does the following. – promotes great health. – stretches yourself emotionally. – Gives purpose and creates meaning for life. – puts you into a winning mindset. Please join with me at my workshops and seminars, or look into some private coaching sessions so that we can discuss these key issues, and make plans and goals around implementing a more empowering way…

Seminars are the Way FORWARD
Breathing Life , Influence , Purpose , success , value / April 27, 2017

As a teenager I had a stutter, and the worst fear in my world was speaking in front of a group of people.  I recall that at age 12 or 13 I was assigned to speak in front of a class in a debate.  The fear was so intense and I thought that I would avoid doing this most uncomfortable thing (public speaking) at all cost.  As it turned out I did not have to give that talk.  I was in a car accident that incapacitated me for about a week.  As a result I avoided this speaking assignment.  I was in hospital and in pain, yet I was happy that I did not have to face my big fear of public speaking.  I was happy that I did not have to do something that would likely embarrass me, cause me yet another failure, and leave me feeling fearful and low. Looking back I realised that my unconscious mind helped me to avoid this event by creating an accident.  Looking back I realised that fear and limitation were ruling my life and my outcomes.  I felt like I was not in charge of my life, and that my unconscious mind…

Feel as though you are flat-lining?

Well it seems to me that when you change the way you use your body, life changes……for a time.  Anything new becomes old over time.  It really does not matter what it is.  Any big change to your life, once repeated about 1000 times becomes normal.  Wow who would have thought that jumping with excitement would become like breathing or riding a bike.  That it would become normal to be excited every day. How amazing is that?  looking back over the last 18 months of my life have been like a dream. Life has changed more dramatically than ever before. It really is such an inspiration to myself and others and as a result many new opportunities have presented themselves. It really is incredible that Contributing to the lives of so many other people, coupled with personal growth has really produced a high level of fulfilment. Much joy is the result of giving so much of myself to others.  Furthermore the consistency of focus on the things that matter most in life has also been incredible, and has assisted with the feelings of fulfilment. Now it is time to move to the next level, as each of us must continue to…

What if?

Today I thought about attending Tony Robbins seminar next month (Date with Destiny May 21-26, Gold Coast 2017) and considered that I was given the floor for a period of time.  I imagined myself in front of a thousand people teaching and instructing with a confidence and energy that I have never before exhibited.  It was an exhilarating thought and one that got me excited. I began to do my power move and get the adrenaline pumping through my body.  This brought into my mind and body a rush of ecstasy. I do this daily.  I jump, do my power move and get excited every day at least twice. This has created for me such exhilaration any time I need it. I then needed to help my son who was sick with a sore throat. He is better now.

Enhanced performance

Many years ago I was at work and a senior employee said to me, “you need to switch on”. I was new to the job and did not know what to do, yet there must have been an overriding attitude of disinterest. I was there physically, yet in reality I was a thousand miles away. He did not just say this to me once. I acknowledge that as an absent minded child I was often not present when being spoken to. I was often distant and aloof, and would zone out regularly. It was not that my brain was inactive, rather I was thinking, wondering, or pondering. This would sometimes annoy my teachers who were trying to get me to take action. When I started an action I would become easily distracted and a simple task would take me a long time to complete. I have sat down to read something and I found that I could not concentrate. I just couldn’t seem to get my mind to read in a way that I could absorb the material. It did not help that the content of the material my have been very boring, and I found my mind wondering. Therefore…