Spreading Myself too thin.

Seminars, workshops, life coaching and re-patterning sessions.  Am I spreading myself too thin?  Well, the truth is that I am here, there and all over the place.  I have run a couple of seminars, on things that I have been studying for 5 years. Then I go and begin to teach about money like I’m an expert, or as if I actually know something about it. A topic that I have limited understanding about. A topic that I do not have experience in.  Some of these topics are foreign to me, and they are ideas and concepts that I myself cannot endorse through personal experience and knowledge. There is something wrong here. What I learned today was that there is a mammoth difference between teaching principles that I don’t believe, and teaching principles that I do.  The not knowing or the lack of experience could not fully support the principles that I was teaching.  In some ways I felt that my unconscious mind was working against me in the teaching of the principles. There was an in-authenticity about the teaching.  Its the old principle that in order to teach it, you must know it.  Not just know about it, but…

Love Languages and relationship adjustment

Many books have been written on love.  The famous family therapist Virginia Satir spoke about love for self and being authentic in our communication with others.  She taught that love was a powerful healing element that could reshape individuals and families. Her main focus was to empower individuals and families to take full responsibility for all that they saw, heard and felt. As she empowered people to embrace their authentic self, this assisted her clients to create change. She produced results that appeared to others to be miracles, and it also appeared that she was responsible for creating change in others.  This is not entirely accurate because she did not really do anything other than create an environment whereby others could understand that their perceptions of reality was not reality.  She would explain that the constructs of imagination, and our thoughts either empower or dis-empower. Other authors have likewise had much to write on the subject to love. Many books today speak about the 5 languages.  The premise of understanding love languages, is to assist those in relationships to identify the dominant love languages of ourselves and others. I have heard people erroneously declare that this or that person, “does…

The “pulls” and “tugs” of life. Remember the most important thing!

Has there been a period in your life in which you were ‘burning the candle at both ends’.  Goals, dreams, ambition constantly require effort and energy to constantly produce outstanding results.  I have just returned from a well needed holiday at the Gold Coast. It was wonderful to be with the family and enjoy quality time with them.  There are so many ‘pulls’ and ‘tugs’ in the world, that often we need to re-evaluate where we are heading and what we are creating.  Love, marriage and relationships are pulling us in one direction, while career aspirations are tugging us in another direction.  We invest time toward being physically fit and healthy, while feeling the need to contribute and provide service to those in need.   I once attended the medieval festival where a jester was balancing on a small plank, that was balancing on red ball.  He then began to juggle.  As I think about this scene, I believe that this is a great analogy for life, and the many pressures and competing forces that demand our attention.  Having a family holiday was fantastic, and it reminded me how critical it is to ensure that the family, the fundamental unit of…

How to ‘show up’ for your life and set your priorities

I love my wife so very much.  I think that she is incredible.  Her insight and understanding is remarkable.  Often we will sit and discuss things that I have been studying for weeks only to discover that she had been trying to teach me the principle I had just learned for years. A friend at work once told me, “When the student is ready, the master will appear”. I guess that as a student I was not ready for the ideas or principles that my wife has been painstakingly striving to teach me.  However, over time I slowly began to understand things on a higher level.  I became ready.  Over time I had put myself into a position in which I could learn, really learn. How slowly do we learn?  In my experience it is very slowly. I had a vision open up to my mind that revealed to me how little progress I had made in my life.  To me it was a shock, as I had previously thought that I was doing really well.  I was proud of the changes I had made, and believed that I was making great progress.  In reality, I am boxed in by…

Have you got all the energy you need to get you through your day?
Breathing Life , excited , Fitness , health , Life , Life Choices / September 12, 2016

Energy is defined as the strength and vitality required to sustain physical or mental activity.   Energy is required to fuel our body and to stimulate our mind. Does energy come from the food we eat, or does it come from the mind? We have all heard stories of incredible individuals who were able to push through fatigue, exhaustion, hunger and other deprivations to reach their goal. In the Queensland Police Service if a member wants to qualify for the Special Emergency Response Team, he or she must undergo a final test that involves deprivation of food, shelter and sleep over a period of three days.  The test is extremely difficult and many fail.  How is it that those who pass this test can still function?  The answer is mental toughness and the will to succeed.  Energy abounds in those who have a big enough “WHY”.  Those who survived concentration camps attest that survival is a mental, and not a physical condition.  Even when the body lacks nutrition and fuel for energy, the body is still able to somehow produce energy.  In Understanding energy, we first need to understand that our mind plays an integral part in determining out energy levels. …

Healing can be as easy as counting when you understand how.

A woman  described the pain in her knee as 8 out of 10. Huge amounts of pain in her knee. I showed her how to eliminate all the pain in about 10 minutes. Both her knees were pain free. I received a text message this morning telling me that the pain is gone, and that I am a miracle worker. Today I spoke to a women with pain filled shins. She described the pain as level 5 as she walked. The pain was gone after we did the mental exercise. All it too was about 10 minutes. Headaches, back aches, cramps and pains all disappear so easily that it’s almost a joke. My hip was sore the other day. It was so sore I could not touch my toes without bending my knees. The pain and discomfort as in my right hip. I used the technique on myself and it took me three goes. I’m a little slower than others. I have more of a skeptical mind then some. So I really need to concentrate to have the technique work perfectly. I used it a little while ago when I was experiencing pain in my tooth. I learned something very…

Focus on your health. Your life depends on it.
Confidence , Example , health , Life Choices , Possibilities / August 16, 2016

Watched a documentary on health. It showed a man who was only 42 years of age. That is 2 years older than I am. This a man was successful financially and was happy for the most part. Yet his physical health was letting him down. He had let himself slide into a lifestyle that had caused him to move toward obesity.   Furthermore this man became heavily reliant on daily medication to help him to live a somewhat normal life. He had developed conditions, or diseases that needed to be treated and kept in check, and in his own words he described himself moving toward an early grave.   He was filming the documentary that showed him going on a 2 month food fast. For 2 months he did nothing except juice natural fruit and vegetables. That became his only sustenance for 60 days.   The results were remarkable, and he was able to see dramatic changes in his health. He lost more than 25kg in weight and was able to get off all his medications.   As he was filming and travelling around he talked to many people who liked what he was doing, however after describing that it…

Wiggle that toe – miracles

Met with a man today who wiggled his toe.  That may not sound very impressive.  It certainly does not sound extraordinary.  It also may seem like a strange thing to be asking a client to do. The thing that made this situation both impressive and extraordinary is that this man is a quadriplegic. The Doctor told him about 7 years ago after an accident on a football field that he would never walk again.  The Doctor stated that he would be unable to feel or move his legs. The first time I met with this man I taught him about creating anchors and we created a powerful anchor of excitement.  Before we began he showed me the full range of movement that he had in his left arm.  He stated that according to what the Doctors said, he should not be able to move this arm because of his condition.  He stated that the doctors did not know how he could move the arm.  He explained to me that one day he saw his little finger move.  His hand and then his arm began to move and get stronger each day.  When I came to visit he could lift his…

Are your values set in stone?

I have been thinking a lot about values over the last couple of days.   Values are simply judgements about something.  Judgements are split into two categories.  The first is made up of things that you may like.  The second is made of things you may dislike.  The reasons or judgments about why you like or dislike that thing is a key in determining your set of values.   For example; You may like exercise.  You may dislike running. You may like eating fish.  You may dislike Lamb shanks. You may like self-improvement.  You may dislike religion. You may like computer games.  You may dislike public speaking.   Our likes and dislikes create feelings, attitudes and beliefs.  These feelings, attitudes and beliefs result in us finding certain attributes or qualities important to us and our life.  As we consider what is important in a certain area of life we are in fact thinking about our values.   One of the best ways of eliciting values from a person is to ask the question.  What is important to you in that area?   As an example if you wanted to know what your physical fitness values were, you might ask yourself…

Is it possible to get excited every single Day?

There is a genuine excitement that occurs when something magical happens.  These are the times that I genuinely lose myself in the excitement and the complete euphoria of the moment is overwhelming.  These moments do not happen every time that I make a conscious effort to get excited.  I have found that I now have the capacity to create excitement whenever I choose.  I did an experiment where I was able to hold myself at the peak level of excitement today for a full 10 minutes straight.  It was not the jumping euphoria, rather it was a feeling of being in a peak state.  Up until now I have found that the feeling of excitement generally only holds itself at a peak for about 30 seconds unless I keep the feeling energised by moving and jumping.  Today I created excitement and had the feeling intensify in my body and held it at the same intensity by turning an imaginary control nob up to amplify the feeling each time I felt like the feeling was about to exit the peak state and begin to decline.  By imagining this control switch I was able to keep the intensity of the feeling high…