Sugar! It all natural right?

March 19, 2019

Sugar is a real killer. The supermarkets and food producers will all say that sugar is natural. For example, sugar occurs naturally in fruit. Therefore, when you see “all natural”, sign or symbol or written on food box, you will think that they are telling you the truth.

Is sugar natural. Sugar as we know it comes from sugar cane. It is extracted and processed and refined and then put into other foods.

The challenge is this.

Sugar taken in its natural form as it exists in nature, eaten with the natural fibre of the sugar cane, is not harmful. The fibre of the sugar cane causes a slow release of the sugar into the blood stream and the system.

Alternately the extracted sugar goes into the system very fast because it is taken without the natural fibre. Also, the high GI level of sugar, scoring 59 on the GI charts, causes the blood sugar levels to skyrocket. When sugar is taken in large amount, like dinking a can of soft drink, the body goes into hyperglycemia. So then to combat this emergency, the pancreas releases insulin. Due to the dire emergency, too much insulin is released, and the sugar blood levels drop too fast. Then the body begins to panic again. Another emergency. Stop releasing insulin, start releasing glucagon. Glucagon is responsible to raise blood sugar levels if they get too low.

However, because the person feels flat, or tired or lethargic because their blood sugar levels are low, they might go drink a can of coke. Off we go again. Emergency – release the insulin. Too low, release the glucagon.

This cycle continues until the pancreas has had enough and stops working all together.

Let’s discuss now what sugar does to the body.

When sugar is consumed it in large amounts, it is stored in the liver as glycogen. Any excess is then transported by the body and deposited in the fat cells in the buttocks, the thighs, the belly and the breasts. If there is still more to deal with the body will move it to the major organs of the body such as the heart and the kidneys. The cells of these major organs are affected and become degenerative, some of those cells even turning into fat cells. This weakens the body in a number of ways.

First, the parasympathetic part of the nervous system is affected. This part of the nervous system is responsible for rest and digest, and sexual functioning.

Second, the red blood cells lose integrity, and white blood cells increase.

Third, the immune system is reduced.

Finally, the body’s ability to regulate temperature (hot & cold) is reduced.

The result of excessive sugar in ones life, is an increase in body fat, an increase in tiredness and lethargy, and an increase in sickness and disease.

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