Miracles are a product of belief and action.

Why don’t we see more miracles in our world?  The answer is clear, “it is because of disbelief”.  Miracles only occur as a result of strong belief. Christianity teaches that with faith “all things are possible”. Faith is not just a passive belief, it is a principle of action. On Sunday a woman whom I know was having car issues and needed to get home.  I am not a mechanic and yet offered to help.  Others came to give aid also.  After about half an hour and numerous attempts to start the car, it still would not start.  Her husband was at work and she had four young children with her and needed to get them home.  It was suggested that we leave the car and give her a ride home, knowing they could return with a mechanic at a future time.  Another suggestion was to pray that the car would work so she could get home. The though in my mind was that we had been trying to start the car without success for half an hour.  The next though was “how could prayer help?”  I caught myself in this thought and then decided “we need the faith of…