Money is a concern for so many people today. Money causes a real challenge as so many people have huge earning capacity, and yet money seems to slip through their fingers. I learned long ago that wealth creation does not come from income. Wealth creation comes from investments. It comes from saving and having money grow through investing.
Most people have strong emotions attached to money, and for good reason. While you and I were growing up our parents also had very strong feelings toward money. While some of these thoughts and feelings were positive, many of them were negative.
Your parents like mine may have said, “We can’t afford it”. “Money does not grow on trees”. “How are we going to pay for that”, “It’s hard to get ahead”. “It’s hard to make money”
Most of us could do a little more money I am sure, yet some of these sayings that live in the unconscious mind could keep us from having more of this resource.
For example, you may consciously believe that having more money will give you freedom to purchase the things you want and need, you may unconsciously believe that “it’s hard to get ahead”. You may consciously believe that money is a plentiful resources and yet unconsciously you believe that it is a very limited resource. For example you may unconsciously believe that “money does not grow on trees”
When the conscious mind and the unconscious mind are out of rapport with each other, then we are in a situation where we are being pulled simultaneously in two directions.
It is like sitting on a motorbike with one wheel moving forward and the other wheel moving in reverse. If both wheels are moving just as fast as each other, the outcome is a bike that remains where it is. With the wheels spinning in the opposite direction to each other, the bike can neither move forward or backwards. There is no progress.
If you were sitting on a bike like this and you wanted to go forward, the logical solution would be make the front wheel rotate faster. The trouble is that the throttle is simultaneously sending power to both wheels and as the front wheel speeds up the rear wheel speeds up also. No matter how much power you put into the throttle, you will still not move forward in a situation like this.
What needs to happen is that this bicycle needs to be taken to a mechanic. The mechanic will then work out that the back wheel is spinning in the incorrect direction. A skilled mechanic would be able to make the needed adjustments.
- Now, let’s just imagine now that you know that you self-sabotage your finances. You know that as soon as you begin to move a little bit ahead that something happens. Unexpected bills, debts, accidents etc. Let’s also imagine that you know that you don’t follow through with your financial plans and goals.
My question to you is WHY?
If you are in this situation then the next AccessWorldSeminar is for you. During this seminar discover exactly how you can get your unconscious mind on side. We are committed to ensuring that unconscious change happens to each and every individual that attends the seminar. We are committed to ensuring that both wheels are spinning in the same direction. We are committed to helping you to follow through with your financial goals and to achieve financial success and abundance. It is time to move forward at full speed.
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