Power of Focus

March 17, 2016

I found this acronym for Focus whilst surfing the internet.  FOCUS could stand for “Follow on Course Until Successful”.


Brian Tracey once stated that if you could focus all of your attention on a watch face without diversion or distraction for an entire minute, you could accomplish anything you want in life”.


When I think of focus I am reminded of the laser beam.  The word LASER is also an acronym that stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation.


When the marvellous power of light is compressed and shot through a laser it becomes incredibly powerful.  So powerful in fact, that the laser beam can cut through solid steel.


In the same way, when we as human beings focus all of our attention in a direction we become a powerful force in the universe.


The question is how do we do this?  How do we focus wholeheartedly on one thing without diversion or distraction?


One may think that the answer to this question is practice.  The answer for some could be to double your effort.  The answer to another could be commitment.


Practice, effort and commitment will help, however all of the components of our focus are not in alignment we may fall short of our goals no matter how hard we work.


Psychology has taught us that most of the components of our focus are unconscious.  This means that while we are wanting change to occur, if our unconscious mind is not in full cooperation with this change there will be internal conflict.  This internal conflict will often work counter to our desire and we will fall short as we struggle to achieve a goal or create the future that we want.  This is called self-sabotage.  This internal conflict makes change so much harder because we are so in-congruent.


Often people say that it is two steps forward and then one step back.  Quite often it is two steps forward and then two steps back.


What if it was possible to have the psychology that simply believed “two steps forward”.


What if we could find a way to focus not just our conscious mind on a goal or outcome, but our unconscious as well so there is no conflict.


There are several components that make up our focus.  They are pictures, sound, touch, smell, taste and self-talk.  In other words visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, olfactory, gustatory and Auditory-digital.  These are the components of our focus.  This is all that we have in which to make sense of the world around us.


When you make a conscious decision to diet, the unconscious could offer up internal conflicts.  For example you may see a picture of yourself at your ideal weight, but you have the belief that thin people are superficial.  (the unconscious mind may have other plans and work against you so that you do not become superficial).


I struggled for 39 years until I finally learned how to focus my mind so that the conflict was gone.  There is no conflict now.  Life is amazing and I am free to choose.  For the first time in my life I am really free to choose.  Those who have never been truly free from an addiction, or limiting belief may look at this last sentence with skepticism and doubt.  I always believed that there had to be a way to escape the internal conflicts that lock us into a trance of dis-empowerment.   I was right.


When we work on change from the outside in, the change is slow and almost imperceptible.  When we work on change from the inside out, change is rapid and transformational.


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