Dry Nights, Bedwetting is a major concern. According to recent studies about 80 percent of children cease wetting the bed by the age of 5. Of the remaining 20 percent some will continue to wet the bed for years. For some bedwetting can continue into the teenage years and even adulthood. In fact the older the child gets the more need for intervention and psychiatric help and assistance. Experts tell us that the in the absence of a pattern of bladder control, the child will continue to have problems and that these will generally not be resolved without some form of intervention. Mechanical pads, alarms, psychiatrist, psychologist and other professionals may be relied on to assist. When you encounter this issue, you should consider the assistance of a life coach. I will tell you why. The cost of pull ups is very high. Over months and years you could spend thousands of dollars. $$$$$$. The cost of trained medical professional may take weeks or months to slowly work through all the underlying issues associated with the challenge. This too will cost. $$$$$$. A peak performance life coach will stamp out the issue in one session. Let me share with you…