Whatever you do, DON’T SMOKE.

Smoking in 2016 has got to be the most unrewarding experience that I can think of.  Take away the social aspect and what is left? I was working with a client who expressed her desires to quit smoking.  During the session I had her list and write down the benefits of smoking.  This she did and there were a couple of minor benefits that she could link to smoking.  However when we weighed these against the disadvantages of smoking a huge imbalance became evident. It took me only a few minutes to dissemble the benefits of smoking, and to show her how to fill the same needs in a positive healthy way. All that remained was a long list of disadvantages.  She was ready to make the changes and for the re-patterning process to be installed directly into her unconscious mind. An interesting concept that I taught was that in order to take control of this addiction, she needed to choose to either shrink the addiction or alternately grow bigger, or outgrow the addiction. As I considered these two approaches and thought about their implications, my mind was drawn to two different schools of thought.  The first is the concept…

Spreading Myself too thin.

Seminars, workshops, life coaching and re-patterning sessions.  Am I spreading myself too thin?  Well, the truth is that I am here, there and all over the place.  I have run a couple of seminars, on things that I have been studying for 5 years. Then I go and begin to teach about money like I’m an expert, or as if I actually know something about it. A topic that I have limited understanding about. A topic that I do not have experience in.  Some of these topics are foreign to me, and they are ideas and concepts that I myself cannot endorse through personal experience and knowledge. There is something wrong here. What I learned today was that there is a mammoth difference between teaching principles that I don’t believe, and teaching principles that I do.  The not knowing or the lack of experience could not fully support the principles that I was teaching.  In some ways I felt that my unconscious mind was working against me in the teaching of the principles. There was an in-authenticity about the teaching.  Its the old principle that in order to teach it, you must know it.  Not just know about it, but…

Love Languages and relationship adjustment

Many books have been written on love.  The famous family therapist Virginia Satir spoke about love for self and being authentic in our communication with others.  She taught that love was a powerful healing element that could reshape individuals and families. Her main focus was to empower individuals and families to take full responsibility for all that they saw, heard and felt. As she empowered people to embrace their authentic self, this assisted her clients to create change. She produced results that appeared to others to be miracles, and it also appeared that she was responsible for creating change in others.  This is not entirely accurate because she did not really do anything other than create an environment whereby others could understand that their perceptions of reality was not reality.  She would explain that the constructs of imagination, and our thoughts either empower or dis-empower. Other authors have likewise had much to write on the subject to love. Many books today speak about the 5 languages.  The premise of understanding love languages, is to assist those in relationships to identify the dominant love languages of ourselves and others. I have heard people erroneously declare that this or that person, “does…

How will you play the game.

I have a friend at work who explained to me that he went to a property development seminar many years ago. He further explained that he played to win and he wanted to believe that he could create wealth and make a lot of money in property.  He explained that he paid over a thousand dollars to do the course, and at the end of the course he was invited to go to another course that cost $5000.   At that point he pulled out and he was very glad that he did. He learned several years later that the seminar leader was imprisoned for property fraud.  This whole experience taught him that self development seminars do not work. He had wasted time and money, and this fraudulent seminar leader had lied, cheated and was corrupt.  This created a reference point in his mind for all self improvement seminars.   Furthermore the principles and ideas taught in the seminar never did one bit of good for him. He had lost, and so do most people who attend a seminar. His philosophy is as follows. ‘They lose. They don’t change. They are still the same, and that’s just the way it…

How to ‘show up’ for your life and set your priorities

I love my wife so very much.  I think that she is incredible.  Her insight and understanding is remarkable.  Often we will sit and discuss things that I have been studying for weeks only to discover that she had been trying to teach me the principle I had just learned for years. A friend at work once told me, “When the student is ready, the master will appear”. I guess that as a student I was not ready for the ideas or principles that my wife has been painstakingly striving to teach me.  However, over time I slowly began to understand things on a higher level.  I became ready.  Over time I had put myself into a position in which I could learn, really learn. How slowly do we learn?  In my experience it is very slowly. I had a vision open up to my mind that revealed to me how little progress I had made in my life.  To me it was a shock, as I had previously thought that I was doing really well.  I was proud of the changes I had made, and believed that I was making great progress.  In reality, I am boxed in by…

Are you being pulled in two directions?

I attended a meeting on leadership principles.  In this meeting I was asked to come up to the front of the room with 2 other people.  While at the front of the room two of us were asked to grab the arms of the third person, one on one side and the second on the other.  I obediently grabbed onto the left arm of this man.  We were then asked to pull which we did.  I may have been a little overzealous and I pulled hard, causing both men to lose balance.  It is not as if my goal was to dislodge the arm from the shoulder socket, and yet when I play, I play to win. Pointing to the man in the middle the speaker made this point.  He stated that the man the middle represented each of us as we are being constantly pulled in two different directions.  He stated that we need to resist and remain on track and focused, and have a constant battle within ourselves in order to make good choices. Obviously he was talking about the conflict that exists between the conscious mind and the unconscious man.  In religion it is referred to as…

Healing can be as easy as counting when you understand how.

A woman  described the pain in her knee as 8 out of 10. Huge amounts of pain in her knee. I showed her how to eliminate all the pain in about 10 minutes. Both her knees were pain free. I received a text message this morning telling me that the pain is gone, and that I am a miracle worker. Today I spoke to a women with pain filled shins. She described the pain as level 5 as she walked. The pain was gone after we did the mental exercise. All it too was about 10 minutes. Headaches, back aches, cramps and pains all disappear so easily that it’s almost a joke. My hip was sore the other day. It was so sore I could not touch my toes without bending my knees. The pain and discomfort as in my right hip. I used the technique on myself and it took me three goes. I’m a little slower than others. I have more of a skeptical mind then some. So I really need to concentrate to have the technique work perfectly. I used it a little while ago when I was experiencing pain in my tooth. I learned something very…

The natural condition of mankind – You are not broken.

Weakness is the mortal condition to which we are born. Of all animals in this world there is none that are weaker for such a long period of time than that of a human child. Many animals are up and walking within days or weeks. By comparison the human child can take up to a year or longer to balance and walk. The fast walkers still require more than 7 months. While visiting SeaWorld yesterday I discovered that the polar bear cub is chased off by its mother when still less that 3 years of age. At this age the cub has fully learned all the skills necessary for survival, and is ready to take on the world. Compare this to a human child, many of which still need support and guidance into their 20’s. We are born into weakness, and weakness is the natural condition of mankind. We are given weakness for a purpose. 1/ Weakness creates a situation in which each of us can really be tested. If everything came easy there would be no real growth. If everything’s fell into our lap we would not need to develop a drive. We would not need to develop our…

Life coaching is for YOU!!!!!!

AccessWorldSeminars has achieved its July goals for Life coaching.  This is very exciting news.  With this Goal reached we are now in full swing.  With limited time for coaching remaining it is a challenge to continue to increase the individual sessions that i have been providing.  It is not as possible to fit much more into my very busy lifestyle.  Thus the need to adapt.  I am now holding group sessions instead of individual sessions.  These workshops will begin next month, and will give the opportunity for more people to be involved in the growth and development that AccessWorldSeminars offers.   Individual life coaching will still be available, however as demand for the services that I offer continue to increase, it is becoming necessary to hold group life coaching sessions. If you are struggling with in-congruence, self-sabotage and bad habits or addictions, then life coaching is for you. If you are wanting to make your dreams and goals happen faster than you ever thought possible, then life coaching is for you. How much would it cost in your future to stay stuck?  With the tools now available, the time to engage is now.  Lets get rid of Fear, Laziness and limited self…

Providing value

There are a great deal of people who believe that their product or service is great value. The value of any service or product is not always reflected in the sales. It is not always reflected in revenue or profits. It is not always received in the manner intended, neither does it always live up to its promises. The strength and value of a product or service is only as good as its ability to be measured, weighed in the balance and compared. When a product is tested against other products, this yields quantifiable results. For example a vacuum cleaner can be tested to see how much dust it collects. A cleaning product can be tested to see how shiny a surface becomes, and a knife could be tested for its ability to remain sharp after excessive use. A product can therefore be tested, measured, evaluated and reviewed. A service in the form of education or up-skilling is somewhat different. We have moved into the Information Age, and the value of knowledge has never been higher. Ideas and concepts, though intangible, hold the key to health, wealth, and success. Information cannot be quantified, weighted or tested in the same way…