Priming – starting the day with excitement

Why do I prime? Firstly I have a believing heart, and I have been told in the past by one I would consider wise that certain actions produce certain results. That seems very evident and almost third grade. When I hear a statement like this from one who is wealthy, happy, content and fulfilled, then I will listen and then model what they themselves have done. I attended an event in September 2015 with Tony Robbins. The event was unbelievable for me. I used so much energy as I really wanted to get an extreme amount out of the event. Therefore my investment was tremendous. I really do not think I have ever invested so much effort and energy to one event ever in my life. Considering my diet, I amazed myself and others in the auditorium. Others appreciated the level of energy that I displayed. Prior to the event I read the words to the effect, “one can be excited for a day or a week, but to be excited for 20 years will give you the life of your dreams”. I read this quote and immediately thought to myself. “Impossible”. I thought about the emotions that I experienced…

Healing can be as easy as counting when you understand how.

A woman  described the pain in her knee as 8 out of 10. Huge amounts of pain in her knee. I showed her how to eliminate all the pain in about 10 minutes. Both her knees were pain free. I received a text message this morning telling me that the pain is gone, and that I am a miracle worker. Today I spoke to a women with pain filled shins. She described the pain as level 5 as she walked. The pain was gone after we did the mental exercise. All it too was about 10 minutes. Headaches, back aches, cramps and pains all disappear so easily that it’s almost a joke. My hip was sore the other day. It was so sore I could not touch my toes without bending my knees. The pain and discomfort as in my right hip. I used the technique on myself and it took me three goes. I’m a little slower than others. I have more of a skeptical mind then some. So I really need to concentrate to have the technique work perfectly. I used it a little while ago when I was experiencing pain in my tooth. I learned something very…

Waiting for another to fall. Depression.

When we learn of someone we know going through a tragedy, we often feel sorry for that person. If that person experiences great sadness and becomes despondent and depressed we often don’t know what to do. Sometimes the logical course of action, is simply to wait. After all, most people come through ok.   What are two types of depression? One is a circumstantial depression. The second is a clinical or long term depression.   A circumstantial depression is simply a depression that is attached to a situation or circumstance. It could be a result of a separation, loss of a loved one, economic hardship, adverse physical health of some other circumstance. The person experiencing this type of depression needs to pass through the situation. Just like any change in circumstance, there will be a period of adjustment. There may be a period of feeling out of control. A period of feeling empty, lost, lonely, hurt or rejected.   The good thing about most circumstantial depression is that it passes. When the circumstance surrounding the depression no longer exists, or sufficient time has passed, or a new opportunity presents itself, the depression or the reason for the depression is no…

Wiggle that toe – miracles

Met with a man today who wiggled his toe.  That may not sound very impressive.  It certainly does not sound extraordinary.  It also may seem like a strange thing to be asking a client to do. The thing that made this situation both impressive and extraordinary is that this man is a quadriplegic. The Doctor told him about 7 years ago after an accident on a football field that he would never walk again.  The Doctor stated that he would be unable to feel or move his legs. The first time I met with this man I taught him about creating anchors and we created a powerful anchor of excitement.  Before we began he showed me the full range of movement that he had in his left arm.  He stated that according to what the Doctors said, he should not be able to move this arm because of his condition.  He stated that the doctors did not know how he could move the arm.  He explained to me that one day he saw his little finger move.  His hand and then his arm began to move and get stronger each day.  When I came to visit he could lift his…

Repatterning my own brain in the area of finances

The last 2 years have been the toughest financial setbacks of my life.  Prior to this I was moving forward with a focus on saving and securing a financial future.  In other words I was saving for a rainy day.   When we have financial setbacks there is a tendency to feel like a failure.  To feel that our positive efforts are not yielding fruit.  When large amounts of effort yield little or no fruit, we begin to wonder if it was all worth it.  There is a tendency to throw in the towel and kick up our heels and just give up.  The storyteller informs us that if a tree does not yield fruit, it is good for nothing, and should be hewn down and cast into the fire.   Many people work extremely hard when starting a new business.  Some work 60 plus hours per week.  They will make huge sacrifices in an attempt to establish and run a successful business.  The biggest concern is the fact that 90% of businesses fail within the first 5 years of operation.   For me, I worked out that I would earn almost as much money on welfare, as I am…

When you feel confident you make different choices.

Contacted a friend today and learned that something incredible has happened in his life.  He in in the process of purchasing a home for him and his small family.  To me this was great news.  He sounded very happy and excited about this new project.  It sounded like he was making real progress in his life.   He told me that he had been eating more healthily and had made changes in many areas of his life.  What added more to my surprise was that he told me that these changes (health commitment, financial commitment to purchase a home) all began after he attended an Access World introductory seminar in 2015.   Something that he saw and heard impacted him in a profound way.  He had made a commitment to make these change during the seminar, and he felt great about his ability to create a compelling future for himself and his family.   One of the exercises that was taught at the introductory seminar is the State Elicitation script.  This is a process whereby I asked each person to recall a time each participant felt absolutely confident.  I then asked them to imagine the scene in which they were…

Is it possible to get excited every single Day?

There is a genuine excitement that occurs when something magical happens.  These are the times that I genuinely lose myself in the excitement and the complete euphoria of the moment is overwhelming.  These moments do not happen every time that I make a conscious effort to get excited.  I have found that I now have the capacity to create excitement whenever I choose.  I did an experiment where I was able to hold myself at the peak level of excitement today for a full 10 minutes straight.  It was not the jumping euphoria, rather it was a feeling of being in a peak state.  Up until now I have found that the feeling of excitement generally only holds itself at a peak for about 30 seconds unless I keep the feeling energised by moving and jumping.  Today I created excitement and had the feeling intensify in my body and held it at the same intensity by turning an imaginary control nob up to amplify the feeling each time I felt like the feeling was about to exit the peak state and begin to decline.  By imagining this control switch I was able to keep the intensity of the feeling high…

His face makes me so angry

I was life coaching a woman who was allowing her husband to continually push her buttons.  She was separated and soon to be divorced.  This woman had explained to me that just seeing her husband sent her into a tail spin. I had her imagine that he was in front of her now.  Her whole body changed.  The look on her face changed.  Her shoulders drooped, the corners of her mouth pulled toward the ground and she almost looked as though she was physically ill.  (She had created an anchor that when she saw him {or imagined she saw him} negative feeling entered her body). It was obvious to me that she was giving up her personal power and allowing herself to be effected emotionally to a large degree.  As many do, she was trapped in blame.  She was very busy blaming him for the way the relationship was turning out. I was planning at this point to have a lengthy conversation to help her understand that she was creating the feelings in her body.  That she was completely responsible for her feelings of anger, frustration and hurt etc.  (She created these feelings again while I was with her just…

How powerful is the mind?

Rang a friend and asked him what he was up to as I needed his help with something.  After contacting him I was informed that a 7 year old child – a family friend’s child was in hospital.  He told me that this young boy had a leaky heart.  This meant that his heart was not functioning properly.  I was informed that he had been unable to eat or drink anything for almost 3 weeks.  I could only imagine how tired and weak he felt.  To protect the identity of the individual and family I will call this boy Jeff.   At the hospital we found Jeff with his dad.  His father had spent the night with him, sleeping a in a second bed that had been prepared.  He did look weak but managed a smile when he saw that he had visitors.   He had been playing cards with his dad during the day and they had just been there together.  I was informed by the father upon arrival that the doctors had not given good news.  They had stated that he could be in the hospital for a long time, like 3 months.   I was with my…

Why we do workshops and not lectures.

The following paragraph is an excerpt taken from the internet that explains retention rates of learning through lectures and other forms of teaching.   “The experts generally agree that simulations boost learning retention rates dramatically. An often-cited study conducted by the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences in Alexandria, Va., found that on average, students retain 5 percent of what they hear in lectures, 10 percent of what they read, and 20 percent of what they see and hear in audiovisual presentations. But add “practice by doing” and “teach others/immediate use” and retention rates shoot up to a jaw-dropping 78 percent.”   Much of traditional education is based on lectures.  The practical application of any learning is imperative to integrating that learning into one’s mind and heart.  The challenge from a teaching standpoint is to learn how to increase learning of the students to such an extent that massive change can occur in the shortest amount of time.   It is the nature of mankind to do things faster and better.  Improvements have been made in both travel and communication.  Once it took many months to send a message to the other side of the earth or to travel around…