Miracles are a product of belief and action.

Why don’t we see more miracles in our world?  The answer is clear, “it is because of disbelief”.  Miracles only occur as a result of strong belief. Christianity teaches that with faith “all things are possible”. Faith is not just a passive belief, it is a principle of action. On Sunday a woman whom I know was having car issues and needed to get home.  I am not a mechanic and yet offered to help.  Others came to give aid also.  After about half an hour and numerous attempts to start the car, it still would not start.  Her husband was at work and she had four young children with her and needed to get them home.  It was suggested that we leave the car and give her a ride home, knowing they could return with a mechanic at a future time.  Another suggestion was to pray that the car would work so she could get home. The though in my mind was that we had been trying to start the car without success for half an hour.  The next though was “how could prayer help?”  I caught myself in this thought and then decided “we need the faith of…

Everything you need to Know about AccessWorldSeminars and Joshua Roy.

AccessWorld Seminars.   About the Company.   AccessWorld Seminars was established in September 2015.   The purpose of AccessWorld Seminars is to create an organisation that promotes EMPOWERMENT.  AccessWorld Seminars was created as a vehicle to assist people to break away from the trance that many find themselves stuck in.  This trance is the trance of DISEMPOWERMENT. AccessWorld Seminars utilises many teaching and training programs to accomplish this end.  These programs consist of seminars, workshops, life coaching and re-patterning sessions.   Seminars provide a ‘saturation environment’ in which transformation is the focus.  There is something magical that happens when a group of people learn and grow together.  Seminars are designed to build your belief, stretch your thinking, have you experience strong positive emotions and gain emotional mastery.  When in a peak emotional state, your decision making ability is enhanced, as is confidence and self-belief.  You will experience total empowerment and the ability to take full control of your life.   Workshops are designed to teach you to use the tools and skills of coaching and Neurological Re-patterning.  They are designed to give you practical experience in a safe learning environment, so that you can create change in your own life…

Spreading Myself too thin.

Seminars, workshops, life coaching and re-patterning sessions.  Am I spreading myself too thin?  Well, the truth is that I am here, there and all over the place.  I have run a couple of seminars, on things that I have been studying for 5 years. Then I go and begin to teach about money like I’m an expert, or as if I actually know something about it. A topic that I have limited understanding about. A topic that I do not have experience in.  Some of these topics are foreign to me, and they are ideas and concepts that I myself cannot endorse through personal experience and knowledge. There is something wrong here. What I learned today was that there is a mammoth difference between teaching principles that I don’t believe, and teaching principles that I do.  The not knowing or the lack of experience could not fully support the principles that I was teaching.  In some ways I felt that my unconscious mind was working against me in the teaching of the principles. There was an in-authenticity about the teaching.  Its the old principle that in order to teach it, you must know it.  Not just know about it, but…

How will you play the game.

I have a friend at work who explained to me that he went to a property development seminar many years ago. He further explained that he played to win and he wanted to believe that he could create wealth and make a lot of money in property.  He explained that he paid over a thousand dollars to do the course, and at the end of the course he was invited to go to another course that cost $5000.   At that point he pulled out and he was very glad that he did. He learned several years later that the seminar leader was imprisoned for property fraud.  This whole experience taught him that self development seminars do not work. He had wasted time and money, and this fraudulent seminar leader had lied, cheated and was corrupt.  This created a reference point in his mind for all self improvement seminars.   Furthermore the principles and ideas taught in the seminar never did one bit of good for him. He had lost, and so do most people who attend a seminar. His philosophy is as follows. ‘They lose. They don’t change. They are still the same, and that’s just the way it…

The “pulls” and “tugs” of life. Remember the most important thing!

Has there been a period in your life in which you were ‘burning the candle at both ends’.  Goals, dreams, ambition constantly require effort and energy to constantly produce outstanding results.  I have just returned from a well needed holiday at the Gold Coast. It was wonderful to be with the family and enjoy quality time with them.  There are so many ‘pulls’ and ‘tugs’ in the world, that often we need to re-evaluate where we are heading and what we are creating.  Love, marriage and relationships are pulling us in one direction, while career aspirations are tugging us in another direction.  We invest time toward being physically fit and healthy, while feeling the need to contribute and provide service to those in need.   I once attended the medieval festival where a jester was balancing on a small plank, that was balancing on red ball.  He then began to juggle.  As I think about this scene, I believe that this is a great analogy for life, and the many pressures and competing forces that demand our attention.  Having a family holiday was fantastic, and it reminded me how critical it is to ensure that the family, the fundamental unit of…

Olympic Gold

Currently the Olympic Games in Rio 2016 show us that the world is full of incredible athletes and incredible people. Within each chosen sport, the best in the world compete for Olympic Gold. Every time the Olympic Games are held records fall and new champions emerge. Most of the population sits comfortably in a lounge chair watching the events unfold. Watching other talented exceptional individuals in their moment of glory. We see an event that may last less than 10 seconds such as the 100 meter sprint. Other endurance event last several hours such as the marathon race. Whatever the event, and especially when the highlights are replayed, we only see a small representation of the actual event. What we do not see is the days, weeks, months and years of gruelling struggle that these athletes go through in order to prepare their bodies and minds for this level of competition. The countless hours of dedication to their chosen sport. The sacrifices made to private and personal life in order to even make it to the competition. The iron will, and determination to be number one. Earlier this week I delivered a motivational message to a small group. I posed…

Repatterning my own brain in the area of finances

The last 2 years have been the toughest financial setbacks of my life.  Prior to this I was moving forward with a focus on saving and securing a financial future.  In other words I was saving for a rainy day.   When we have financial setbacks there is a tendency to feel like a failure.  To feel that our positive efforts are not yielding fruit.  When large amounts of effort yield little or no fruit, we begin to wonder if it was all worth it.  There is a tendency to throw in the towel and kick up our heels and just give up.  The storyteller informs us that if a tree does not yield fruit, it is good for nothing, and should be hewn down and cast into the fire.   Many people work extremely hard when starting a new business.  Some work 60 plus hours per week.  They will make huge sacrifices in an attempt to establish and run a successful business.  The biggest concern is the fact that 90% of businesses fail within the first 5 years of operation.   For me, I worked out that I would earn almost as much money on welfare, as I am…

He was crouching, lurking in the corner of the room like a creature of the night.

I did some neurological repatterning with a young man of about 24 years old.  This young man had experienced a difficult childhood, and as a result he was struggling to cope with everyday life.  He had made some choices that made it difficult for him to cope in certain situations.  One of these situations was an unexpected or unwelcome touch on his body.  This action would trigger feeling of betrayal that he described as a blue feeling that stated in the middle of his chest and shot into his arms and body.  It left him feeling empty and angrily visually fixated on whatever he believed had caused it.   I found this out as he was telling me about his challenges and I shouted “be healed”, while putting my hand on his head like a priest in the Pentecostal faith.  (Neurological shock).   His reaction was immediate and aggressive.  He wanted to assault me and I could see the hatred he was displaying was out of this world.  He squeezed his fists and his eyes narrowed on my.  I just watched patiently.  It appeared like he was fighting against the temptation to attack and kill me.  He moved over away…

Is it possible to get excited every single Day?

There is a genuine excitement that occurs when something magical happens.  These are the times that I genuinely lose myself in the excitement and the complete euphoria of the moment is overwhelming.  These moments do not happen every time that I make a conscious effort to get excited.  I have found that I now have the capacity to create excitement whenever I choose.  I did an experiment where I was able to hold myself at the peak level of excitement today for a full 10 minutes straight.  It was not the jumping euphoria, rather it was a feeling of being in a peak state.  Up until now I have found that the feeling of excitement generally only holds itself at a peak for about 30 seconds unless I keep the feeling energised by moving and jumping.  Today I created excitement and had the feeling intensify in my body and held it at the same intensity by turning an imaginary control nob up to amplify the feeling each time I felt like the feeling was about to exit the peak state and begin to decline.  By imagining this control switch I was able to keep the intensity of the feeling high…

Why we do workshops and not lectures.

The following paragraph is an excerpt taken from the internet that explains retention rates of learning through lectures and other forms of teaching.   “The experts generally agree that simulations boost learning retention rates dramatically. An often-cited study conducted by the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences in Alexandria, Va., found that on average, students retain 5 percent of what they hear in lectures, 10 percent of what they read, and 20 percent of what they see and hear in audiovisual presentations. But add “practice by doing” and “teach others/immediate use” and retention rates shoot up to a jaw-dropping 78 percent.”   Much of traditional education is based on lectures.  The practical application of any learning is imperative to integrating that learning into one’s mind and heart.  The challenge from a teaching standpoint is to learn how to increase learning of the students to such an extent that massive change can occur in the shortest amount of time.   It is the nature of mankind to do things faster and better.  Improvements have been made in both travel and communication.  Once it took many months to send a message to the other side of the earth or to travel around…