Life coaching is for YOU!!!!!!

AccessWorldSeminars has achieved its July goals for Life coaching.  This is very exciting news.  With this Goal reached we are now in full swing.  With limited time for coaching remaining it is a challenge to continue to increase the individual sessions that i have been providing.  It is not as possible to fit much more into my very busy lifestyle.  Thus the need to adapt.  I am now holding group sessions instead of individual sessions.  These workshops will begin next month, and will give the opportunity for more people to be involved in the growth and development that AccessWorldSeminars offers.   Individual life coaching will still be available, however as demand for the services that I offer continue to increase, it is becoming necessary to hold group life coaching sessions. If you are struggling with in-congruence, self-sabotage and bad habits or addictions, then life coaching is for you. If you are wanting to make your dreams and goals happen faster than you ever thought possible, then life coaching is for you. How much would it cost in your future to stay stuck?  With the tools now available, the time to engage is now.  Lets get rid of Fear, Laziness and limited self…

Don’t keep spinning in place. It is time to move forward.

Money is a concern for so many people today.  Money causes a real challenge as so many people have huge earning capacity, and yet money seems to slip through their fingers.   I learned long ago that wealth creation does not come from income.  Wealth creation comes from investments.  It comes from saving and having money grow through investing. Most people have strong emotions attached to money, and for good reason.  While you and I were growing up our parents also had very strong feelings toward money.  While some of these thoughts and feelings were positive, many of them were negative. Your parents like mine may have said, “We can’t afford it”.  “Money does not grow on trees”.  “How are we going to pay for that”, “It’s hard to get ahead”.  “It’s hard to make money” Most of us could do a little more money I am sure, yet some of these sayings that live in the unconscious mind could keep us from having more of this resource. For example, you may consciously believe that having more money will give you freedom to purchase the things you want and need, you may unconsciously believe that “it’s hard to get ahead”.  You…