Recognising change.

March 4, 2016

Often we are the last to notice an internal change or “shift” that has occurred inside ourselves.  When I work with others I look for internal “shifts” and changes that occur.  The beauty about change is that it is visible, if one knows what to look for, and how change will manifest itself.  Predominately change will show up on a person’s face and in their physiology.


Due to the unique nature of human beings, the manifestation of psychological “shifts” shows up differently for each individual.  I have been observing “shifts” in people for many years now.  This awareness is learned and all can develop this ability.


In my occupation I often need to deal with aggressive and angry people.  I see the “shifts” happen in these individuals prior to their becoming aggressive.  There are signs that people give prior to ‘acting out’, that warn others of their intentions.  We can learn to become attuned to these signs and this is important if we want to remain prepared and safe.  Learning to read these signs comes with experience, and sometimes that experience is a result of pain and discomfort.  What we use in this instance is “sensory acuity”.  We become acutely aware of what is happening within the other person.


As a kickboxer I also noticed that most people gave signs of their intentions to throw a punch or combination.   People gave signs that they were about to attack or retreat.  Understanding these signs enables one to block and counter.  Experienced fighters are able to “feel out” an opponent and begin to pre-empt the moves that the other fighter will use.  This simply means that the opposing fighter becomes acutely aware of their opponents movements.  They use their sensory acuity to read their opponent, and seek to be prepared for the next move.  A good fighter will expect the unexpected, knowing that a trained fighter will attempt to follow a similar pattern of fighting, thereby attempting to “lull” their opponent into a false sense of security.  For example they may punch twice and then kick once.  They may repeat this simple combination four times.  Then they will punch 4 times and kick twice.  This 5th combination is unexpected and therefore likely to catch their opponent “off guard”.


In life coaching “Sensory acuity” is used to the max.  A good life coach will be able to see, hear and feel the internal responses made by their client.  They will often elicit different states from their client in order to help them move in a certain direction.  They will observe the face changes of their clients.  There are so many things that happen just in the face that can give a great deal of information.  Things such as Skin tonos, eye movements, changes to lips (thinning), pupil dilation etc.  Changes can be very subtle or overt.


In the same way as a proficient fighter will “feel out” an opponent, a life coach will “calibrate” their clients, and discover patterns for how and when their clients experiences “shifts”.  These “shifts” represent an outward sign of an internal change in understanding, perception, or knowledge.  They will look, listen and feel changes that occur using “sensory acuity”.  The greater the level of rapport and trust, the greater these “shifts” may be.  I call these “ah ha” moments.  It is at these moments that life can transform for another human being.  It is at these moments that a person can make a complete 180% change in any area of their life that may have been causing them problems or heartache.  It is at these moments that obstacles of the past can fade, and powerful progress is made.


The beauty of this is that a mind that is stretched to a new dimension, can never resume its original form.  It is difficult to unlearn something that has impacted the person physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  That person is now on a different footing and has the wonderful privilege of using the information to create their future.


Not everyone who has a “ah ha” moments is aware of it.  I have spoken with several people who have attended a session or a seminar and have expressed that life does not feel very different.  However, I have found that by asking the right questions, they begin to become aware of the changes that have taken place.  It may be hard to notice in the first couple of days, however as you push out into the future life begins to take on a different course.  The other point to make here is growth in one’s self may not be realised.  Others however notice and see this growth taking place.  Parents of children hardly notice their child getting taller, but the distant relative who only sees them twice a year will comment on the rapid growth.  Often when on the receiving end of a life coaching session, others will notice growth before we do.


Think about a flight plan of a commercial aeroplane.  If they were to shift their course just by 1 degree, after 5 minutes they would only be on a slightly different course.  However after several hours they would find themselves many miles away from their former destination.


The same is true for change.  The shift may be only 1 degree, and the changes over the next few days may be minor and incremental that they are hardly noticed.  However after weeks and months he changes become extremely evident, and yield tremendous results.


I contacted the woman whom I did worked with in relation to being overweight.  We created a new self-image and this was implanted in her unconscious mind.  I saw several sifts occur during the 2 and a half hours we worked together.  After this time she expressed to me that she felt very differently.  Now five weeks later she expressed to me that she has shed 5kg of weight and is succeeding at weight loss without all the effort.  She expressed to me that she has days when she eats poorly, yet the weight keeps coming off.  She is amazed at her progress despite her weakness.  I explained to her that her self-image is so vital, and this is just as important as the food she eats.  Her unconscious mind has taken on a new self-image, and therefore sends signals to her body to continue to lose weight even when she consumes some sugar and fatty foods.  Her body simply eliminates that which she does not need, and that which will not support this new self-image.


My role is to empower others with confidence, motivation and a belief in themselves.  I love creating change and seeing “shifts” take place in others.  I test the strength and validity of each process by doing a “future pace”.  This simply means that I take them to a future date in their imagination to a situation in which the issue we have worked on comes up.  I then ask them to describe their reaction.  The looks that people make at this time is priceless.  There is often confusion, laughter or a lost expression on their face.  Instead of reacting the way they “always” did in the past, suddenly they envision a different reaction from themselves and don’t quite understand why or how this happened.  By doing this I satisfy myself that the process has worked and also let them feel the integration of the new process.    At this point I reinforce the change.  I explain that this work is so powerful that life for them will never be the same again.  When a person believes this, the miracles begin.

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