Money Matters.

February 8, 2016

We all have beliefs around money.  There are beliefs around the making of money.  Beliefs around the spending of money.


Here are some beliefs about money that many relate to.


1/         There is never enough money.

2/         you need to have money in order to make money.

3/         its not spiritual to have too much money (you must decide between rich or happy).

4/         you have to work too hard to make money.

5/         I’m just not good with money.

6/         my family has never been rich.

7/         money does not grow on trees.

8/         its selfish to want a lot of money.

9/         money is a limited resource.

10/        the rich get richer, the poor get poorer.


The rich have different beliefs.  Here are some examples.


1/         I can buy anything I want.

2/         my money works for me

3/         wealth creation begins in the mind.

4/         making money is easy.

5/         Passion pays.


Most people can identify with one prevalent attitude concerning money.  The need for more of it.

There are many things that we need and want and the solution tends to always be a need to generate more cash flow.  A need for more wealth.  A need to earn more to have the bigger house, the new car, the latest technology and more enjoyment of life.


Does money make you happy?  This is a question that has been asked countless times and a question that can stir up a lot of people.  If the answer to this question is yes then why do the rich and famous suffer with mental illness like depression?  If the answer is no then why are so many wealthy people happy?


Money is an inanimate object.  It doesn’t breath, live or move.  In fact it does nothing on its own.  It is not inherently good or evil.


Some people misquote the Bible and state that “money is the root of all evil”.  This is absolutely false.

It is the love of money that is the root of all evil.  This takes the onus off money itself and places the onus where it should lie, and that is with the individual.  There is also nothing wrong with being rich, or in other words having enough for our needs and our wants.


For us to keep our lives in perspective after wealth comes our way we should balance our life in all other areas.


The first area of life that must be enlarged for continued happiness is mental health.  We must ensure that our mind is kept active and developed, by reading, attending seminars, learning and growing.  This will enable expansion and wellbeing of our mental health.  We must continue to expand by setting and achieve goals, taking on new challenges and developing a winning attitude.


We must also keep our emotional health in check.  The creation of wealth can cause some to feel superior or allow their ego to be enlarged.  (Remember that belief in one’s self and ego are very different).  We need to ensure that we remain humble and have consideration for others.  The best way that I know of to accomplish this is through service to mankind.  We must give freely of our time, talents and energy to a cause that is larger than ourselves.  By so doing we allow the universe to conspire for our success.  We must also continue to master our emotional self so that we are able to influence and help others.  When I have the privilege of creating an atmosphere where I can touch, move and inspire individuals and groups I feel fantastic.  Another key to strong emotional health is gratitude.


We must also ensure that we look after our physical health.  It is hard to enjoy your wealth if you are in a pine box.  Really look after your body especially when you are affluent and doing well financially.  Continually set fitness and health goals and keep yourself in great shape.  The extra energy will enable you to do all that are necessary for growth.  This will keep your mind, spirit and emotions high.


Finally we should focus our lives spiritually.  We all need purpose and direction for life.  When wealth comes along some wind up on strange roads and are lost.  Some decide to take a rest and just enjoy their new found success or wealth.  It is very good to rest.  We should all exercise wisdom as we decide how long we should rest for.  Some rest for too long, become lazy and idle and lose their way.  For example a 20 year rest might be a little excessive.


The point I am making here is that by focussing all our energy on one area of life, to the exclusion of all other areas of life, we can lose.  We lose our focus, and this in turn can cause us to lose our way and our passion.  When people lose perspective it can have a very negative and even detrimental effect of life and happiness.


You see the greatest tests in life call forth the greatest part of yourself.  The greater the challenge, the greater the need for you and I to find internal resources such as confidence, courage and faith.


There is however a test that is greater.  This is the test of ease and luxury.  The trial of all trials is the trial of no trials.  When life is going great and you have reached your financial goal.  When you no longer need and want material possessions and life is wonderful, will you continue to expand and develop.  If your answer is “yes”, then draw in wealth, excel in financial pursuits and know that wealth and happiness await you.


Whatever your current beliefs around money are, each of us can create new empowering beliefs.  We can start by resolving the ethical and spiritual dilemma and understand that money is neither good nor bad.


I now want to return to the question, does money make one happy?


Studies were conducted in which it was discovered that it is true that money does make people happy.  Money allows you to purchase food, shelter, and clothing (our needs), and entertainment, goods and services (our wants).  Money allows for both needs and wants.


While it is true that money does make people happy, it was learned that once a person’s basic needs are met, and once a person has a certain amount of income, anything beyond that point does not increase happiness.


Therefore once our needs and some of our wants are satisfied, there is not much more happiness to gain from the continued accumulation of wealth.


The lie is that if a little bit of money makes me a little bit happy, then a lot of money will make me a lot happier.


If continued happiness does not come from the continued accumulation of wealth, then happiness comes from somewhere else.


I believe happiness comes from balance, gratitude and service.  It comes from having deep emotional and spiritual feelings in our lives.  It comes from pushing against the boundary conditions of our thinking, making positive contributions to the world around us and living into an exciting and compelling future.  Happiness ultimately is about growth of the soul, and expansion of our positive influence in the world around us.


When people attend a seminar or take part in a life coaching session, there is a cost attached.  It is not uncommon for people to say, “we can’t afford it”.


I often respond by asking, “What if you could?”.

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