Infinite and Eternal – the mind of man

November 22, 2015

neuron-galaxyScientists’ look out into the universe and have been baffled by the mystery and expanse of space.  High powered telescopes continue to evolve and space appears to be unlimited.  Each time scientists reach the limits of the telescopic range, the question is posed, “What is beyond that”.  It would seem that space is infinite.  If there was an end or limit, what is on the other side of the outer limits?

Consider one of the estimated 86 billion neurons in our brain.  Magnify on of these neurons 100 times.  What is found is more parts with more names.  Then if you take one of those parts and magnify that 100 more times.  There are more parts with different names.  When does magnification end?  Once again this process is infinite.

If life is infinite in the expanse of space, and infinite in the cellular or molecular level of the body, then is it difficult to consider the infinite capacity in our brain.

Scientist have made incredible discoveries in relation to the mind of man.  Mans’ capacity to learn knowledge, to gain understanding and develop wisdom.

Researchers estimate that we use between 1 and 10 percent of our brain.  Though this is a common belief current studies reveal that activity in the brain occurs consistently throughout the whole brain even while we sleep.  When a neuron in the brain stops firing it dies.  All active neurons are alive.  Therefore it seems we use 100 percent of our brain.

It seems to me that our mind is incredible and unlimited, and we utilise only a small amount of its infinite and eternal capacity.

What do you think?  Do we use 1 percent, 10 percent, or 100 percent?  Is it possible that the human intellect is unlimited?

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