Example can have a profound effect on others

November 10, 2015

the-road-to-the-mountains_u9a1512In 2010 I looked at my stomach and thought it was time to regain my 6 pack abs.  I worked out like crazy and certainly this made a little difference however that little podgy belly continued to hang on.  I was 34 years old and thought to myself that this stomach was there to stay.  After many hours of exercises I realised that there was really nothing more coming off my stomach so I gave up, accepting that I would always have a fat belly.  After all I was heading toward my mid to late 30’s and how could I possibly have the fitness levels, or physique that I had as a younger man.

Resigned to this fact I gave up on working out and slimness and instead began to bulk.  I decided to do weight lifting and to put on some muscle and size.  I greatly increased my food intake.  After doing this for a couple of years I had increased the size of my arms, chest and back considerably.  I also increased the size of my belly.  Then I got an injury on my right bicep and was unable to train for a time.

I felt tired and sluggish a lot.  I was eating everything and anything.  Getting all the calories into my body.  After the injury I reduced my food intake substantially.  I started doing more aerobic training again.  Still my stomach persisted.

It was not until late September 2015 that I really decided to make a massive change to my diet.  What happened over the following 5 weeks was remarkable.

I cut out beef and chicken completely.  I cut out sugar.  I cut out dairy products.

I began taking essential oils every day.  Omega 3, 6 and 9.  I began using wheat grass every day.  Two heaped table spoons full.  Most of my diet was living food meaning fresh fruits and vegetables.  Much of the sluggishness left me after about a week, and the way I feel right now is fantastic.  It really did have a huge impact on my energy levels, my motivation and my thinking capacity.

One of the greatest impacts was that my stomach is now gone.  How fantastic.  I just did not realise that diet was the number one reason that I had been hanging onto my weight.  Now having cleaned up the diet I have been impacted in a huge way.

The impact that I have had is not just a personal or individual thing.  At work, at home and in other areas of my life people have noticed the change.  I learned today that a friend at work has completely changed his diet because he saw the energy levels and the motivation levels that I am now exhibiting.  He told me that he felt inspired to make the changes from watching me and seeing what I was doing.  My Wife and children likewise have adopted many of the changes.  My wife has completely eliminated sugar from her diet.  She was impacted by the way I expressed to her how living this way was making me feel.

I would never have imagined that example alone could have such a profound effect on other people.

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